Dangerous lifting equipment..

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Yes it is for DIY purposes so The HASAWA as no place here. Neither would the HSE. It would have to be Trading Standards due to the incorrect fitting of the equipment.  

I would point him in the direction of the LOLER regulations, follow Doc Hudsons advice and walk away.

I've been responsible for safety and inspection of lifting equipment used for lighting  rigs in theatres and the huge line array speaker stacks you see at concerts. I've also seen first hand what happens to a lighting grid when a chain hoist fails but the operator raising the grid was too busy chatting to a young lady...........

Being a DIY project LOLER will have no jurisdiction. The only issue I can see is the installation has been done to a poor standard and that would be a Trading Standards issue not a LOLER one. 

LOLER will give some good advice re how to proceed, particularly the paragraph:-

"If your business or organisation undertakes lifting operations or is involved in providing lifting equipment for others to use, you must manage and control the risks to avoid any injury or damage."

Reading the OP he could quote the fact the company provided lifting equipment for others to use. DIY use doesn't exempt suppliers from providing safe kit. 

LOLER will give some good advice re how to proceed, particularly the paragraph:-

"If your business or organisation undertakes lifting operations or is involved in providing lifting equipment for others to use, you must manage and control the risks to avoid any injury or damage."

Reading the OP he could quote the fact the company provided lifting equipment for others to use. DIY use doesn't exempt suppliers from providing safe kit. 

Agreed, hence my Trading Standards comment. LOLER can do nothing in this situation. 

Yes Sidewinder and I have had spats. Does those spats continue to the next thread?  I hope not. Not by me anyway and I think SW is the same. 

Life is far too short to hold grudges. Especially on forums with people I have never met. 

Sometimes you have to walk away I remember years ago when outside sockets were really expensive some guy wanted one fitted and said he'd supply it.he came up with a plastic socket and pattress 

oh and a wooden box to put it in needless to say I didn't fit it.
