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©Resident Geordie™
Supporting Member
Jan 1, 2009
Reaction score
S. Tyneside
installing a dedicated micros sprite 2 CCTV system today for a friend. its second hand and has 2 dome cameras (with movment) and 2 fixed cameras. place already has 4 which will be connected (from existing)

all wired, 4 existing work no problems, 2 dome cameras have video but no movement, other 2 have black screen (but system says they are conencted - will look into that more later)

main problem: cameras dont move

they are dennard 2060. ive connected them to the serial port, changed all kinds of settings on both camera & box and also tried setting everything to use coax for signal, but nothing. any ideas?

never rebooted anything. i thought the settings took effect without it. would it also need rebooted if i changed the DVR setting to coax?

also, what serial port do i use? there are 4. each time i changed something, i tried all serial ports just incase it was a different one or something


Not ever worked on micros stuff, but with RS232 (serial) communications in general a reboot is needed for any settings to take effect!

wheres the job andy? also you need the serial ports that are communications of rs485 NOT rs232 ;)

---------- Post Auto-Merged at 20:09 ---------- Previous post was made at 20:08 ----------

oh and the dome camera number needs to be the same as the dvr camera number ie if its on input 1 then the camera id would be set to 1 on the address board of the camera ;) hth

so whats the 485 bus?

according to the manual for DVR, pin 1 is data A and pin 9 is data B for RS485. this is conencted to the cameras data A&B

and ill have to alter the camera number - i dont know what one is, but the other was set to 1, which is now changed to coax. other was too high to consantly go up/down, so working on the lower camera first

on rs485 youd have a plus and minus connection or a and b as i may be called in dm, as long as a goes to a and b to b then that should be ook on connection.
its all marked A & B is both DVR & camera book. looks like it may jst be a case of changing camera numbers to match that at DVR, & reboot the thing

may try on sat, otherwise monday. ill elt you know what happens.

once i get those fixed, got the 2 fixed cameras to sort... both have black screens, although one has a bit white in the bottom corner

quick update

changed DVR to send through coax, changed cameras to receive signal through coax, rebooted everything and all working

looks like wasted time installing data cables.... never mind


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