Deducting money

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I agree with Cirrus, there was no need for that, Bengie!

The man is simply asking where he stands.

Please keep comments like that off of the forum.

Thank You.

tbh it sounds like the doctor hasn't done his job properly, when ever i have had an injury that *could* affect my ability to work i have been asked what i do for a living and if they think it will impact my health by working they have signed me off.

I wasn't commenting on your age at all, i was merely saying you should act more like an adult and realise that when your personal life affects your working life its not the fault of your employer and if your personal life affects your working life so much that your employer incurs costs then why should they take the hit of your choices? it wasn't meant to be insulting, more of a reality check.

by the sounds of it you have a very understanding and reasonable employer that lets things go in your favour at times which nowadays is quite unusual. at work we are very closely monitored with vehicle trackers, handheld devices that we have to accept jobs on/list all tasks done on that job/account for everything item off of our stock checked van we have used, fill out a daily timesheet accounting for everything including material collections/lunch/vehicle fuelling/vehicle repairs/meetings/training and everything else that happens during our working day and then if our office manager see's us in the yard during the day he grills us as to why we are there and not out working even if we have a valid reason. Last week i got shouted at by my dept. manager for having a coffee in the yard at 11am, even after telling the guy that i was having an early lunch due to a quiet morning and an upcoming busy afternoon so wanted to get my (legally mandatory)lunch break out of the way, despite this he still went into the office and shouted at my line manager for letting me do this. This is on top of having to deal with problematic/abusive/insulting(obviously not all are like this but a fair share are) tenants and it can make for a tiring working life at times but you have to weigh up the pro's and con's of a job and in my case i am contracted for 37 hours a week(normally do around 42 with no overtime), get full sick pay, a good pension, a free van and a very good rate of pay so i live with all the crap as i like the benefits.

Just remember though at the end of the pay you lost

thinking about it again i am surprised your boss let you work after being told you have a broken knuckle, as an electrician your hands are everything to you and risking them by working with an injury like seems odd to me. I know my employer would send me home without even thinking if I turned up at work and said i had a broken knuckle, my employer take no risks in situations like this due to liabilites within health and safety etc.

Don't get me wrong, I know I have it very very easy. I have a vehicle tracker but the boss over looks it as long as we don't take advantage. I do get a poor annual holiday allowance and no sick pay but the perks are that very often my day starts with me leaving the house at 8 and leaving site at 3.30. I grab what kit I like and see my boss once a week. The rest of the time it is left up to me. If this ever disappeared then I would have to go self employed as I couldn't stick a strict regime like yours (and most employers).

The money is immaterial - it is more the fact that employers cannot take money off you (when a written contract exists) without prior consent. We are having a quiet time of it and I know they are trying to shake things up to maybe get a few to leave but regardless - it is still a poor practice - no matter how 'cushy' a number I might be on.


Regarding your OP I would suggest what he has done, withholding wages is illegal but your working conditions do seem very favourable. It's a bit of swings and roundabouts. You could complain about the money but think long and hard about what the consequences may be.

Doubt that helps, sorry.


thinking about it again i am surprised your boss let you work after being told you have a broken knuckle, as an electrician your hands are everything to you and risking them by working with an injury like seems odd to me. I know my employer would send me home without even thinking if I turned up at work and said i had a broken knuckle, my employer take no risks in situations like this due to liabilites within health and safety etc.
And I bet your boss doesn't even allow you to work of 5 tread steps eh? H&S can be taken too far ; -)

Here is how i see it

you broke your knuckle out of work....

your boss was aware of it but didnt send you home instead put another guy with you to complete the job

if he had sent you home you have got sick pay (not alot)

ok he deducted money from you which it may have been illegal

Try cutting and pasting the following link into your browser, it may be of interest

Rights to pay

All employees are entitled to be paid for the work they have done. They are also entitled to be paid if they are ready and willing to work but their employer has not provided them with any work to do, unless your employment contract says otherwise.

If you're an employee, you're entitled to be paid if you can't work because you are off sick or away from work on maternity leave, paternity leave or adoption leave, or parental leave. You are also allowed a certain number of days paid holiday a year.

In most of these situations, you are entitled to your usual wage whilst off work. There are some exceptions to these rules. For example, parents on maternity leave, paternity or adoption leave, or parental leave, are entitled to a certain amount of paid leave but the law sets out the rate at which this must be paid and it may not be as much as their usual wage.

If you are employee on sick pay, your contract may give you less pay than your normal pay. By law, most employees are entitled to the legal minimum statutory sick pay. Your contract may give you more pay than this.

You may be entitled to unpaid time off work in other circumstances, for example, in a family emergency or on jury service.

Is there really a need to asterix out swear words? I mean it's not like we're children!
No but the site could be viewed by a child also there are laws to what you can actually post on the web:O

Law has now changed with regards to the sick from the 6th April this year

Important changes due to come into effect on 6 April 2010 regarding medical sign off from work that affect Employers and Employees alike.

Please read on for guidance and information.


With effect from 6 April 2010 medical statements issued by doctors to people when they are ill or injured, known as sick notes, will become known as

No, not JIB registered. Trouble is, we are paid 'price' and when the job is done, we go home. Early days are the norm - 3pm on average because we have learned to become very very quick. However, if we don't exceed basic salary for any reason in a week, he pays us what is in our contract which is 40 hrs at hourly rate. If we ever try and turn it on him he uses the card about us leaving early. Can't win!
Sounds like you have it good there!
I agree with Noz on this one,

job and knock and if you fall short on your wages he makes it up for you,,,,,,

I was once in that sort of position working for someone like that. When i did rewires my cables very always more long enough. My scrap copper bin was always full +-

I was asked by the finance manager once about why the subby teams werent bringing back the old scrap copper from rewires they were doing and I simply told him it has IMO always been regarded as a perk of the job for rewires to let the lads take the old cable, otherwise they wouldnt bother stripping it out in the first place, more of their time that no one wants to pay for, so the job gets done neater and the guys get a few beer tokens that nobody knows about(ie, the missus).

boss was happy enough, as long as they returned all the new scrap as such, everyones a winner. :)

sounds sensible steps and yes cirrus we allowed to use high steps, they aren't that silly....................yet :(

that new fit note thing looks pretty sensible too, hopefully it will stop people getting signed off for silly reasons and hopefully they will stop the misuse of the term disabled too!! there was a guy at our place that needed carpal tunnel on both wrists but they would only do one at a time, he said he wanted to come and work in the office's as he would be bored at home but they refused and said he couldn't work at all, he was for over 6 months in total!

Is there really a need to asterix out swear words? I mean it's not like we're children!
I think that because we are grown up (other than SL of course !) we don't need to print the swear words . We all know them and most probably use them but speaking for myself I think it should be left on the building site . Also we have lady members.

Bad language in the workplace doesn't bother me but I don't welcome it coming out of the TV set TBH. One or two abreviations are used on here and we know what they mean ........FFS ..for instance ... you can slip the odd load of $hite through the net ... or a load of carp but we don't need to friggin' well spell it out FFS. :yellow card :innocent
