First loop tester I used only measured loop, you had to calculate pscc, although it had a graph on the back for a quick ready reckoner if it wasn't borderline.
Wish I could charge that ..... :signthankspin:
A lot of people say this but never actually charge this and just assume they cannot. Why can't you charge this? Are you not good enough, do you only jobs for poor people?
Hum... I know my patch and how much people are happy to pay.....
Can that rate be justified I ask the gathered Forumites , in all honesty .There's a plumber near me who charges £95 for the 1st hour, then £60 thereafter..............
I'd never win a job if I quoted that hourly rate Lurch , in fact none of us would I shouldn't think.A lot of people say this but never actually charge this and just assume they cannot. Why can't you charge this? Are you not good enough, do you only jobs for poor people?
If he did a weeks work for you @ 40 hrs,say, it would be £2435.00
NOT the sort of stuff Sidey & Canoey do.
ties in with the latest deal at NICEIC and JIB who will let you be AC installer for 3 years then give you a JIB gold card. You can even accept AC status and get assessed a year later.
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