I understand what your saying about what you need to earn but also it is about what the market will stand. Plus in my area there is a lot of eastern block competition also making things difficult.
What the market will stand has to also encompass earning enough to cover your costs....
If you don't cover your costs... you are working at a loss!
And any business can only work at a loss for a limited time period before you will be out of business anyway!
Everyone doesn't always go for the cheapest option...
Quality - vs - cost comes into it with most purchases...
and I would hope your work is of a much higher standard than some of the cheaper competitors?
Don't go fooling yourself you are comparing like-4-like...
these are maybe the points you need to put forward more when selling yourself to your customer...
I guess its the salesman bit.. Not the Electrician bit you need to work on!
the old phrase 'A good salesman can sell sand to the Arabs and Ice-cream to Eskimo's!' is very true...
and its when times get a bit tough that the good salesmen get their sales.
anyone can sell stuff when the markets are all booming!
but again at the end of the day your choice,
Hope it comes out good for you m8