dog not toileting outside

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Jul 6, 2012
Reaction score
South Ayrshire, Scotland
Hi, I recently just got a 3 year old German Shepard from my mum and dad they just moved to a new house 2 weeks ago, moving from the country side to a small village their new neighbours complained about her and another so thy had to get rid of them, however since she has moved here on Friday she hasn't done the toilet outside, she has however done it inside, before she came to us she as fully house trained so we thought she would have been fine, I've been takin her out and regular intervals and I've been keeping her out for a good half hour but still nothing, any ideas?



I hate things like these. I can predict the outcome of a broken leg much more accurately.

The issue is undoubtedly behavioral, but this is way out of my area of expertise. Maybe worth asking your vet if they know of any local behaviorists.

Do something now or the dog may get into the bad habit.

I took her out again and she wasn't for doing anything so I tried taking her lead off and she ran about a wee bit and then done a no2 I was so happy lol but we'll see if the it keeps up thanks for your reply anyway :)



I would give the dog its usual feed then take her out for a walk very soon after and stay out until nature takes its course, if she is prey driven give her the favourite toy, food driven give her a nice piece of meat etc and loads of praise. Then just repeat process and the penny will drop. Good luck with it!
