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yeh they just invested in a product for fishing cables through walls, it didnt look all that to me! they went mad for it!

So her next add on to the magna mole will enable you to drop cables down a cavity & retreive them with magna mole............wonder if she looks in to building regs.

Fair play to her she saw a market & went for it.

Me I'll stick with my old 93cm length of VHF whip & insulating tape to pull cables through a cavity.

yeh they just invested in a product for fishing cables through walls, it didnt look all that to me! they went mad for it!

I can't see any massive difference between that and a cable rod?Blushing

EXCATLY!!!! im sure you can get magnets in the super rod kit? !

rod + tape, magna thing no different!

i see the NICEIC have stuck their name to it.

In the video of the magmamole in use is he installing that cable for the outside light in a safe zone???????????????

well if she's making it pay more fool us Applaud Smiley

she must of had a crap sparky who had trouble fishing a cable through a wall headbang

I love how she used the Health and Safety angle when talking about him pushing a coathanger through the wall and how he couldnt know what was there etc etc.

He just drilled through it to create a hole for god sake if there was something dangerous there like a cable or gas main you would no by now.

As others have said cable rods already kicking about and they wont fall apart like the magnets on her thing.

It gets snagged on pulling it out then the magnets are coming apart.

Good luck to her though no doubts plenty of gullable folk rushing out to buy it just because it was on Dragons Den.

i get so frustrated when i come up with ideas and then some other ******* beats me to it!

i already do a similar thing, if you have a plasterboard wall and want to drop a cable down inside the wall from above ceiling level and only want a small hole for the cable to come out, you tie an m10 nut on the end of some string drill your holes drop the string down and then poke a strong magnet (neodymium (sp?)) through the bottom hole and hey presto!

even if the holes aren't directly above each other, you can get the string swinging with the nut on and the magnet will get a hold of it!


should get that on on there. go on with just a string and an M10 Nut lol see what they say. i love the programme. but something about this magnamole thing what ever it is that just doesnt work for me.. its been done loads before

might be along the lines of

:coat :coat

NMR should get that on on there. go on with just a string and an M10 Nut lol see what they say. i love the programme. but something about this magnamole thing what ever it is that just doesnt work for me.. its been done loads before

might be along the lines of

:coat :coat
lol i wonder if they would give me the 50p i need to make another one?

What a load of b*!

I really hope no proper sparky would waste their money on this rubbish!


bit off topic, but for those who watched it, what the hell was that poker player all about?

I would like to comment on a few things that have been run on Dragons den.

In the 70's we use to first and second fix houses using a back off plate for the back boxes, now its been marketed as a yozzi box or something. Fair do to the guy for using a known method.

Then we had the adabtable tie wrap.

Its a packaging wrap that was used years ago and now some bloke has said its an electrical adaptable wrap, ******** we made them and used re-usable wraps years before but never thought of putting a patent to something that was already invented.

Chock box? there goes another laugh, we made the same type of connections in steel tobacco boxes and wooden cigar boxes, nowt new there.

I wish I had the piranha sense of values, I would be a millionaire off the hard work of the electricians who actually did invent these things, and not the asses who decided to market them.

to be fair though gh, the asses that have decided to market them is everyone around us, alot of them may not even know that the idea had been done, then check for a patent and hey presto there isnt one.

I've come up with a lot of ideas in the past without knowing they already existed. (as we all do)

i agree its dam frustrating having someone beat you to it but its just because they had the balls to invest a little money in it. :)
