©Honorary Essex Boy™
I have just uploaded 2 files, one is a more easily followed cable calculation and selection, the other is a research paper into additional cpc used with armour cables.There are some cable calcs in BYB appendix 10
I have just uploaded 2 files, one is a more easily followed cable calculation and selection, the other is a research paper into additional cpc used with armour cables.There are some cable calcs in BYB appendix 10
Where are links Essex2?I have just uploaded 2 files, one is a more easily followed cable calculation and selection, the other is a research paper into additional cpc used with armour cables.
Ah, I see the cunning plan. Will do soon, promise.Canoeboy said:Its in the download section
Top Toolbar > TEF Resources > Downloads
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You are, as you are in breach of the forum rules you agreed to when you signed up if you post, actual, or links to copyright material.If I'm not infringing on any TEF rules/regs, I don't care.
Oh dear Archy. The new problem boy are we? :innocent