Am I being daft? - Notice near an installation with generator

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Senior Member
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Feb 14, 2010
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This notice is near the 800A main panel at one building on a customer's site, below it, is the main earth bar and there is a disconnectable link at both ends:

gen earth notice.jpg

This doesn't seem to make a great deal of sense to me - how do the genrator windings end up in the fault path for something supplied from the grid supply, plus I'm pretty sure its an automatic start generator and automatic transfer switch, and only part of the installation is powered by the generator, theres a supply to a Sub panel that only supplies 3 esstential boards. So as far as I can see, all its going to result in is some part of the installation possibly running without a reference to the generator earth. Or without the main earth if someone follows the instructions and then power comes back (The saving grace is that there is a parallel path anyway, one of the esstential boards is located in another building, the remainder of which supplied from the same tx, but via a separate main panel - and the essential board is bolted to the same trunking as the rest of the installation)

I did briefly go down the path of wondering if it was only a 3pole transfer switch, but while that could cause some issues with parallel N-E bonds, it wouldn't put the windings at risk, and its not anyway - its 4 pole:


Oh, and oh dear...


Am I talking B******ks, or is the notice complete b******ks?