ELECSA Assesment passed

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What sort of questions did you get bud??? i got mine soon all info appreciated, cheers

We spent quite a bit of time going through the other building regs relating to electrical work with him asking me questions, I wasn't too great at this and he noted an observation down that I need to improve on that for next year but he did let me have his book to use. We then went through the paperwork. We then did a ring main test, did a Ze and a Zs on the ring main, we also checked the bonding conductors. I asked him if he wanted me to do a full isolation and went to get me locks out but he said no need as we were the only ones here. I also asked if he was happy for me to leave the consumer unit cover off when we didd the testing as were the only ones here and he was. Whilst we were doing the testing he asked me things like what results I should be expecting on the next test and if I got this result what would it mean for example if the Zs on a particular socket was higher than on the rest on a ring it could be a spur etc. Also thing like the max Ze on a TT, can you use a metal consumer unit on a TT system stuff like that. He was happy if I needed to check any exact figures in the book as long as I knew what I was talking about. He was just as interested in the business side as in the electrical side which supprised me a bit. As I said before though he wanted me to pass and wanted to help me through and seemed to keep asking me questions until I didn't know the answer to see if I knew what I was talking about or was trying to bluff it. If I didn't know the answer he would try and push me in the right direction, then a couple of thing I really didn't know he explained to me.

I also got another observation for having no detailed quotes but this is because I havn't done any jobs yet where I've needed to do quotes like that as have been waiting till I get thruogh this before sending any out. I also got observations for no periodic inspection sticker on the c/u I installed and no mixed colour stickers as the internal wiring to the tcds was new colours the house was old colours.

Wish I hadn't got so worried about it all now!

Hello,We spent quite a bit of time going through the other building regs relating to electrical work with him asking me questions, I wasn't too great at this and he noted an observation down that I need to improve on that for next year but he did let me have his book to use. We then went through the paperwork. We then did a ring main test, did a Ze and a Zs on the ring main, we also checked the bonding conductors. I asked him if he wanted me to do a full isolation and went to get me locks out but he said no need as we were the only ones here. I also asked if he was happy for me to leave the consumer unit cover off when we didd the testing as were the only ones here and he was. Whilst we were doing the testing he asked me things like what results I should be expecting on the next test and if I got this result what would it mean for example if the Zs on a particular socket was higher than on the rest on a ring it could be a spur etc. Also thing like the max Ze on a TT, can you use a metal consumer unit on a TT system stuff like that. He was happy if I needed to check any exact figures in the book as long as I knew what I was talking about. He was just as interested in the business side as in the electrical side which supprised me a bit. As I said before though he wanted me to pass and wanted to help me through and seemed to keep asking me questions until I didn't know the answer to see if I knew what I was talking about or was trying to bluff it. If I didn't know the answer he would try and push me in the right direction, then a couple of thing I really didn't know he explained to me.

I also got another observation for having no detailed quotes but this is because I havn't done any jobs yet where I've needed to do quotes like that as have been waiting till I get thruogh this before sending any out. I also got observations for no periodic inspection sticker on the c/u I installed and no mixed colour stickers as the internal wiring to the tcds was new colours the house was old colours.

Wish I hadn't got so worried about it all now!
Cheers for that, im worried and ive done it all before with the nic, cant help but worry though, i have had no work for a while and recently ended a partnership last year before going completely on my own again, so i will be gettin =g the same questions as you regarding quotations etc. Once you sent your application on how long did it take untill you got a date?? im stil waiting, just finished re-wiring my garage for him to inspect today.

I think , if we are honest, that the older experienced sparks are just as nervous when it comes to re-assessment time . Personally I'm glad when its over although the guy is always friendly and helpful.


I think , if we are honest, that the older experienced sparks are just as nervous when it comes to re-assessment time . Personally I'm glad when its over although the guy is always friendly and helpful.Deke
i dont think anyone likes assessments!

Cheers for that, im worried and ive done it all before with the nic, cant help but worry though, i have had no work for a while and recently ended a partnership last year before going completely on my own again, so i will be gettin =g the same questions as you regarding quotations etc. Once you sent your application on how long did it take untill you got a date?? im stil waiting, just finished re-wiring my garage for him to inspect today.

Did my initial assessment last week and i did my garage

all i did was 3 tests answer some questions

but because my garage was in

4mm radial spurs of 1.5mm

2way lighting and single light

outside light

boiler spurred off lighting cct

everything trunked to 2m then clipped

i had showed a good understanding of the regs i didnt get grilled as much as

the OP

2 weeks from application to the visit for me

i got picked up on my quotes on a minor point.....i didnt specify how many sockets i was providing in each room on a rewire......it potentially leaves you open for the extras they ask for which could be difficult to charge for

your word against theirs

i got picked up on my quotes on a minor point.....i didnt specify how many sockets i was providing in each room on a rewire......it potentially leaves you open for the extras they ask for which could be difficult to charge for

your word against theirs
for larger jobs i usually have a diagram of the house with all locations marked - you can say 2x sockets per room on quote, but they could all be on the false walls and easy to install, or on the opposite side on solid walls that are a pain to get to

i know i was slightly nervous yesterday, even though ive had 4 inspections now, and never had any thing said apart from a few helpful hints etc ;) NICEIC for me though..
Very nearly ditto there Badge.. had my 4th NIC last week.

& I would also ditto..

"and never had any thing said apart from a few helpful hints etc ;) "

Not wishing to be too simplistic though with all this assessment stuff..

IMHO any person inspecting you for any of the schemes,

would soon suss out if you are a complete no-brain who don't know what you are talking about..

and they ALL know that occasionally under assessment questioning you do have a brief blank out or brain freeze and forget the bloody obvious which you do actually know...

I had one a couple o years back.. done RCD tests asked about what max values should be at x5...

I went off to la-la land thinking of lighting circuits & Zs & fuse operating times???? DOH!!! :eek: :^O:^O:^O

(we'd been talking about lighting circuit earlier... brain was still in wrong gear!!!)

Had my assesment today, went through all the paperwork, and my job whichwas a new C/U in my own house. All cleared with no non conformities but had a few observations to sort for next time. The guy was really good and wanted me to pass. Coached me on some bits but kept asking questions to test my knowlegde while we were doing the testing and going through my job on various bits of the testing like what result I should be getting and if I got this then it would mean this etc etc and quite a bit about the regs. Really pleased with it and can now crack on with a couple of jobs I've got lined up and hopefully start getting some more.!!
Oh by the way..

Blue Fox!

Good un m8!Guiness DrinkGuiness DrinkGuiness Drink

is it just one job you had to be assessed on?

Boo!! Had my assessment today... had a non conformance!

Basically took him to see a small job (utility room ext, SWA to small cu, 1 ring 3 outlets, 1 light 2 outlets) and I'd changed the CU in main house. I & T and cert, building notice already paid due to builders, no probs.

Basically the kitchen had been altered since I was there, gas meter also moved, so main bonds were no longer visible at clamp, kitchen end.

I've basically got to find them and photograph them and send them off, or issue a 'hazard' notice or something. Going for a pint now so will figure out what best to do tomorrow. Boo!! :(

Boo!! Had my assessment today... had a non conformance! Basically took him to see a small job (utility room ext, SWA to small cu, 1 ring 3 outlets, 1 light 2 outlets) and I'd changed the CU in main house. I & T and cert, building notice already paid due to builders, no probs.

Basically the kitchen had been altered since I was there, gas meter also moved, so main bonds were no longer visible at clamp, kitchen end.

I've basically got to find them and photograph them and send them off, or issue a 'hazard' notice or something. Going for a pint now so will figure out what best to do tomorrow. Boo!! :(

Always do a site visit a day or two before your assesment... also it pays to have at least 4 jobs to look at so you can ensure access!

Ah... no, I haven't actually installed the main bonds, they were already there.

They've just hidden them from view.

But essentially they are in the same place (not the gas meter move).

"It's no good bringing me to see a job that doesn't have main bonding clearly visible"

"But they've altered it"

"so why didn't you check before bringing me to *this* job" (insinuating that I could have chosen another... which I could have actually :kick :backside :D

OOOOOOOhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhAlways do a site visit a day or two before your assesment... also I pays to have at least 4 jobs to look at so you can ensure access!
Well I know that now!! :D

I even had the keys to another job in my pocket... but what do you do at 5 past 4 on a friday afternoon? Go "ooo-eerrr" and do a sidestep, "err, excuse me, but not this one, this one is a chancers place now" lol

I also didn't expect him to be too bothered about other stuff, just thought he'd want to see *my* work.

I'm sorry that you had a problem with your assesment.

Yes they do want to see your work, they are not really interested in the rest of the installation except for the main earth and main bonds... these are the most and second most important (respectively) cables in the installation in my book! So of course they will want to see them!

Hiya well done mate-im a bit confused though. You said about not having done quotes and such, but surely until your qualified you cant do the work anyway or am I missing something. Is the asesment after you have been allowed to self cert your work-or the final exam before being able to.


you dont have to be fully qualified to be part p reg'd. i was part p reg'd (as my own company) when i was a 2nd/3rd year apprentice, working for another company. i already had 16th ed (from a few years previous) and the assessor was happy with that

Boo!! Had my assessment today... had a non conformance! Basically took him to see a small job (utility room ext, SWA to small cu, 1 ring 3 outlets, 1 light 2 outlets) and I'd changed the CU in main house. I & T and cert, building notice already paid due to builders, no probs.

Basically the kitchen had been altered since I was there, gas meter also moved, so main bonds were no longer visible at clamp, kitchen end.

I've basically got to find them and photograph them and send them off, or issue a 'hazard' notice or something. Going for a pint now so will figure out what best to do tomorrow. Boo!! :(
I had a similar instance in a property I rewired, after I had finnished and signed off they had a new water main installed.

I managed to show the niceic that I had in fact bonded the old water supply,and the plumber had just cut the cable, the clamp was stll there :)

I rebonded the new supply whilst the assesor was there, a 5 minute job and passed the assesment, however I had at the time 3 previous assesments with no observations recorded.
