Electrical Safety Council Grants Scheme

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Distinguished Member
Feb 25, 2009
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The electrical safety council started this scheme last year, the basics of the scheme is to carry out remedial works on properties that show up with recommendation codes 1 and 2.

The main reason for the scheme is to prevent cowboys from doing dangerous work and to make sure the vunerable are not over priced for any work.

Any way the ESC is looking for more registered installers country wide to get involved in the scheme any one who is registered with a governing body can apply for full details see the link below.


I have been involved in the scheme and I can recommend it to anyone.

You just have to be fair in your quotations and provide a good friendly service.

I can tell you how the system works!

First of all an electrical contractor will visit the property and give a full pir report on his or her findings.

This report is then sent to the ESC.

They will then send out a minimum of three quotation requests to approved installers on their lists. At the same time a letter will be sent to the address to let them know they will be contacted.

The full list of works required will be provided to you, so there is no guess work involved, you simply arrange to visit the property, have a look at what is required, build your estimate on a, materials required and b, your labour charges dependant on how long it would take you to do the work.

If your quote is required to be back by say the 20th of the month you will expect a response by the end of the month.

They work fast, and pay fast, and it is normally bacs payment so no waiting for checks to clear.(you know which cheque I mean) :p

I say pay fast, they pay at the end of each month but what you would expect from an organisation who have to pay numerous sub contractors.

You will only be contacted to do work in your geographical area, but this is a good oppertunity to show off your talent and gain more work by way of family and friends network of the people you do the work for.

Totally depends on the awareness of the scheme in your area to be honest.

The more people apply the more grants will be issued.

Best part is, it stops people from being ripped off by bogus electricians and builders!

Thats got to be good

Ive e-mailed too, sounds good. i didnt put too much in the e-mail though, just said that im interested and to contact me with more information.

The scheme has now closed for the end of the financial year.

All accounts have to be cleared and because it is a government backed scheme they need to know every dot and dash etc.

The scheme will restart in May and the recruitment of new electrical contractors is just to ensure the schemes success on restart.

If you have applied do not worry, your application will not be left on a shelf.

I am not sure about any advertisement drives they have planned to inform the public of its aims to raise awareness of the scheme.

I think I will email the scheme co-ordinator and give him this forums address, so he may explain the system for us.

Jusr applied so will see what happens. Seems a good scheme though and could bring in some much needed work and hopefully some good reccomendation work after.

As have I. As Mr. Hornet says, anything which drives out the thieves and unscrupulous is a good thing. A customer (92 yrs old), recently had a disasbled facilities grant for the bathroom. She provided extra tiles and asked how much to do another 6 sq. Metres around the bathroom. They didn`t give a price, just did the work & provided a bill for in excess of

As have I. As Mr. Hornet says, anything which drives out the thieves and unscrupulous is a good thing. A customer (92 yrs old), recently had a disasbled facilities grant for the bathroom. She provided extra tiles and asked how much to do another 6 sq. Metres around the bathroom. They didn`t give a price, just did the work & provided a bill for in excess of
This is what should be prevented from happening.Lancashire county Council and Trading Standards are starting a fair trader scheme this summer to stop such practices.

I remember a time where I was undercut on a consumer change last year, he put in a price for

I`ve had a reply today; but they seem to have a generic email - it reads as though I`d applied for the grant!!!

stand by for transcript of email (sorry - lots of the black fluid flowing tonight!)

As promised:

"The Electrical Safety Council has been able to offer electrical safety improvement grants in recent years to a select target group. Our scheme has been offered to homeowners, aged 60 or over who are in receipt of a means tested benefit.

Following the completion of the 2008/09 grants scheme, it has been decided that we need to review the target groups we are reaching to further expand the scheme in order to reach a wider audience. Therefore, at the present time, the Electrical Safety Council is not able to accept any new applications for an electrical safety improvement grant.

Details of when we may be able to start offering new grants are not yet available. Once these details are available, they will be published on our website www.esc.org.uk so please check this site for the most up to date news on the scheme."

They are still recruiting and the scheme is hopefully going to be expanded across the wider requirements that have been previously not included.

At the end of one financial year is a time for any organisation to asses their last years success, and to have a realistic aim given the funding for future growth of the both the awareness of the scheme and the results expected.

So the reply would be only normal under these circumstances.

I would expect the scheme to restart in may as originaly planned.
