Have a walk down Tottenham court Road or Edgeware Road, either that or go up north to Watford Electronics.Thanks mate! that's really good website, but any shop located in london?
Excellent post there PyroRS have trade counters in East & West London.RS, Farnell, CPC and Rapid Electronics are good for mail-order. They are noted in order of decreasing price!
Cricklewood Electronics is pretty good.
For real walk-in shops with real components, Edgeware Road area is better than TCR.
The best for a good and sensible range of general components at very keen prices is a Luton based company called JPR Electronics.
In general Maplin are a very poor shadow of what they once were, however, the Stratford branch has been pretty good. I expect that Maplin's commercial policy dictates their business, and sadly the hobbyist electronics business has declined over the past quarter century..... Young people seem uninterested in learning electronics at the component level.
That is a good post by Pyro. I do hope the burning was accidental and not intentional Apache.Excellent post there PyroAnyone remeber Tandy? When I was young I made a few basic things, little radio a 'burgler alarm' was great. I spent most of my time burning myself with the soldering iron!
Indeed they are.....i remember them. its now a carphone warehouse
fetish? :|I spent most of my time burning myself with the soldering iron!
most of us learn do not touch the hot end after a few times....I spent most of my time burning myself with the soldering iron!
Applaud SmileyGuiness Drinkmost of us learn do not touch the hot end after a few times....or is the smell of burning skin better than cows rear end?!
Sounds like an opportunity there, Pyro.Maybe I should set-up "Pyro's Parts" to supply real components to real people!?
blue tack is useful for holding things in placeIn my own defence it was holding the little components and solderig them that I burnt myself - not a fetish!