extending circuit - consumer unit

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Junior Member
Dec 23, 2008
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If a consumer unit is replaced and the existing final circuits are short.

a) I understand that they can be extended interally (inside consumer unit) by crimpping, is that the same type used on car electrics?

B) if you extend them out side the consumer unit, would I use the appropiate rated joint boxes (round type) or is there a more square/rectangle housinings

c) I know if the tails are extended more than 3m then a fused switch unit is required, but id the are less than 3m and I want to fit an isolating switch for ease in the future, can any one recommend a type.

thanks in advance

screwfix will sell 100amp dp isolators and enclosure. Not sure what crimps u have but there is a lot of talk on here about wagos

you can use the same blue/red/yellow insulated crimps that are used in cars etc, but they must be applied with a proper ratchet crimper, not a squeeze & hope type that many auto electricians use....

for isolator, you can use a standard 100A isolator in a case. or search for Wylex REC2 (isolator c/w case). this is used by some DNO.

if extending outside CU, best way would be crimp & heatshrink, or if there is many, use push fits in an enclosure

i think the dno need to fit the isolator.
Some supply their own as a matter of course, some don't. If you want to fit one yourself then technically you fit it then wire to one side and the DNO connect the other side to the meter. Obviously depends if you ever get the DNO involved in the job.
