Extending Winch Operations Cable

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May 15, 2014
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Southampton, UK
I am hoping to extend the cable to a winch operations panel (the box that has up and down buttons on), and having had a look inside it is a 3 core cable with red blue and black wires. It looks easy enough to replace with a longer cable, but where would I find a red blue black cable? Can't seem to find one online. Can email a pic if needed.
Thanks in advance! Dan 
What is is it an engine hoist or something? Assuming you mean a hand held pendant on flexible lead? How far, just a metre or two or miles?

Core colours for doing this won't be particularly important tbh but the cable size itself more so. Look on the sheath and it might be stamped as to what it is e.g. 3x1.5  or possibly an AWG reference.

Then just make sure you note what goes where both ends. If you're fussy you could get some say blue/brown/earth flex and sleeve the ends to copy your original one.

What form does the pendant take? Two buttons only or does it incorporate an emergency stop button? You could as said above get a simple two channel remote kit perhaps in turn operating bigger relays / contactors if need be. As an example:


BUT I'm always wary of any remote winching device that doesn't incorporate a HARD WIRED emergency stop button that's close by the operating buttons. The stuff I've come across has often had double or triple redundancy checking for safety but that can be a PIA because of delays. We had a job in Hong Kong many years ago where we had someone fly out because of a "fault". Every time the local operator pressed "UP" or any function there was a delay, instead of waiting he'd press it again repeatedly and the cycle of checking would start again. Still, somebody got a week or so whoring it out up there!  :lol:


Thanks for your replies. The cable needs to be extended about 10m, the same for the power cable too, as this will be used out of sight to open two large wooden trap doors high in a tower.

So a standard 3 core cable would be ok, that has Brown Blue and Earth, as long as the same connections are made at the top and bottom as to what is there at the moment?

How would I go about fitting a radio set to the system? Would that be expensive? Any benefits/negatives etc?

The other question I have is we also need the power supply to be changed, such that when we are away from the tower we can be sure no power at all is going up the tower, beyond the point of operation. In our inexperience the current plan was to extend the power cable to the hoist, and have this plugged in at the level of operation - hence it could be switched off and on with ease. Having done more research, and actually thought about it a bit more, a second option for this I guess would be to get an electrician to run a power supply up the tower which is switch controlled from the level at which it is operated. The winch could be connected to this, and hence only receive power when the lower switch was on.  Would this be simple to do?  

I also have another question - apologies if I shouldn't post it here... We also want a light system installed such that when both doors are closed, two red LED lights are illuminated at the level of operation, and when both the doors are open two green lights are illuminated. Again this system needs to have no power going to it when we are away. I assume the power supply could come from the new power supply our electrician could run up the tower, but my question is would it be simple to set up the system for LED indications for the doors positions?

Very grateful for any advice :) 

Any colours will do Daniel,  but take care that you reconnect in the same way , Draw or take photos .

You often find a double interlock in those things ..........so the feed for the UP button could go through N/C on the DOWN button  & vice versa.

Same in the panel ...although mechanically interlocked  you may find your wire from the  UP button through NC on the DOWN contactor & vice versa again

Just read your last post ..........suggest you get local sparky in .

Thanks Evans Electric - would the light indicator job be something simple for an electrician or is it complex? Thanks, Dan
Could be done a few ways, auxilliary contacts on contactors or limit switches by the traps to light the lights.......but is does sound rather more complex than just extending a wire! Any chance of persons getting trapped by these "doors" etc? You might then want to consider safety edges, a number of emergency stop buttons etc.

On the ESR link I gave above is a PDF manual that gives the circuit and how it operates the two 5A relays. TBH unless you can understand the concept and then have the skills I "wouldn't try this at home". If a simple radio controlled system goes wrong, shorts, is subject to interference etc then how do you stop it?

Sounds a fun project though!

We don't know what it's for; farm, domestic, commercial etc. What have you got in this tower then, Rapunzel?  :lol:

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I think the best idea would be to get a local electrician involved then, I thought this would be the case but thought I'd explore the options first. I'm confident I can extend the winch operations cable, but will leave the mains wiring etc to the pro :)

The project is in a church bell tower, the doors are above the bells and will be used to regulate the sound heard outside the tower - open and bells loud on Sundays, closed and quiet for practice sessions.

Thanks for all the advice!!! :)
