Foul smell

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Senior Member
Jan 4, 2010
Reaction score
Had a callout this morning to a rental bungalow with report of lights tripping. I knocked on the door which was opened by a transvestite and I was nearly knocked out by the foulest of smells. I was hit by what I can only describe as a strong smell of ammonia. I diagnosed the lighting problem and got out of there as soon as possible.


and is that all you are going to say about that ????????

i think there is a lot more to be told young man


Had a callout this morning to a rental bungalow with report of lights tripping. I knocked on the door which was opened by a transvestite and I was nearly knocked out by the foulest of smells. I was hit by what I can only describe as a strong smell of ammonia. I diagnosed the lighting problem and got out of there as soon as possible.

has Deke got that bad where hes having to make up stories of faulty lights to get someone to visit him? :slap

sorry, :(

I thought that was pretty obvious.

take it you guys dont do much council or tower blocks then?

good tip for tower blocks or flats,

DONT hold on to or run your hands along anything, including banisters or railings,

and use a screwdriver to push the buttons if you use the lift!

sorry, :( I thought that was pretty obvious.

take it you guys dont do much council or tower blocks then?

good tip for tower blocks or flats,

DONT hold on to or run your hands along anything, including banisters or railings,

and use a screwdriver to push the buttons if you use the lift!
and in the really bad (council) houses, make sure you use dust sheets. keeps your feet clean

I should add the "woman" had lived in the property for 2 years with "her" daughter. The bathroom had just a bath and that was full of junk and looked like it had been for some time. The property is in a picturesque seaside village. My second callout of the day was to the house this "woman" used to own and has just been bought. The new owner wanted me to change a smashed patress. I was warned by the new owner of a smell in the house and she showed me the home buyers report. It stated that urine and feaces had penetrated floor coverings and recommended fumigation and replacing some floorboards and that the house was unfit for human habitation!

I should add the "woman" had lived in the property for 2 years with "her" daughter. The bathroom had just a bath and that was full of junk and looked like it had been for some time. The property is in a picturesque seaside village. My second callout of the day was to the house this "woman" used to own and has just been bought. The new owner wanted me to change a smashed patress. I was warned by the new owner of a smell in the house and she showed me the home buyers report. It stated that urine and feaces had penetrated floor coverings and recommended fumigation and replacing some floorboards and that the house was unfit for human habitation!

I have in my 35+ years in the job worked in some choice settings

Walk through the door and stand in a 'dog egg' and skid 4rse first into the kitchen

Slip on the produce of an incontinent pet on the top step of a flight of stairs and descend the flight of stairs on my heels

Accept a brew and see that when the dishwasher was opened to provide a cup the lady of the house cleaned the loo brush in the dishwasher

the list goes on and my stomach still churns at the thought

...when in a loft/under a floor NEVER EVER EVER unwrap a paper package EVER... :coat

sorry, :( I thought that was pretty obvious.

take it you guys dont do much council or tower blocks then?

good tip for tower blocks or flats,

DONT hold on to or run your hands along anything, including banisters or railings,

and use a screwdriver to push the buttons if you use the lift!
Ah you've worked in Birmingham then Steppers ? In case others don't know , razor blades can be stuck under the banister handrail ready for Police or emergency services to come dashing up .

We were installing amenity lighting around the bottom of some tower blocks , as two sparks were clipping pyro to the building , a third had to stand looking up , to warn them when either (a) a TV set was being hurled from an upper window or (B) a bucket of urine was being tipped out , or © glass marbles were being dropped from the top floor because the drilling was waking them up at 2.00PM .

Ah you've worked in Birmingham then Steppers ? In case others don't know , razor blades can be stuck under the banister handrail ready for Police or emergency services to come dashing up . We were installing amenity lighting around the bottom of some tower blocks , as two sparks were clipping pyro to the building , a third had to stand looking up , to warn them when either (a) a TV set was being hurled from an upper window or (B) a bucket of urine was being tipped out , or © glass marbles were being dropped from the top floor because the drilling was waking them up at 2.00PM .
or needles,

and they also jam these into the gaps around lift buttons then break off the protruding bit,!!!!


good for pointing that out Evans,

I never thought,

I suppose its times like these when you 'just' know something you sometimes dont think to say to other people the whys and wherefors.
