Garage Consumer Unit Help Please

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Keep posting Ian   ...theres no one online at the moment who can work their wonders .     Even I can't alter your permissions and you know how important I am . :innocent

Call me a cynic as I don't believe theres a sparky involved at all...

I rest my case:
I was going to wire it all from an old point from my kitchen but after I was told about Armoured cable and speaking to a sparky who lives over the road I decided it was best if I got it done by the professional but done as much as I can by myself to save as much money as I can, especially when I will have a couple of thousand pounds worth of amateur radio and computer equipment in there that I can not afford to be damaged by wiring that I had done wrong or worse still it cause a fire as I believe it won't be covered by my house insurance and my housing association wants copies of the paperwork for the installation too.

So yes there is going to be a sparky involved, I can't afford there not to be

You've only posted seven ,   keep going about a poem ?.... wasn't there another member recently into Ham Radio ?     Whats your call sign ?

Keep posting ,  I going to make tea and stuff.

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You've only posted seven ,   keep going about a poem ?.... wasn't there another member recently into Ham Radio ?     Whats your call sign ?
Yeah there was another member who is a Amateur, I am presently still using my foundation licence callsign and studying for my licence, my callsign is M3GXX

Hopefully that should be my tenth post!! lol

No , don't take it back Ian,  one prong of the busbar goes in the bottom of the main switch ( or main RCD incomer )  opposite the L incoming  connection .

Then your two MCBs go on the next two  ,  the last one is spare .  Theres often a plastic insulator to stick on the spare prong ( or you could tape it up ,, or cut it off)

Does this sketch help?

I finally got the sketch and that's exactly how I thought it was wired, thanks for that.

When the sparky come round Monday I'll let you know how my wiring done

I was fascinated as a kit by anything to do with RF circuits. Clearing one of the sheds the other day and found a speech processor and also VOX unit I made. Loved making FM bugs too with a couple of transistors in and home made coils. When I was young you could buy Denco coils and Jackson variable capacitors easily along with ferrite rod etc. With the 4MHz burst Xtal from a skipped telly we used to make little QRP transmitters.

Aerials from copper tube, Yagis for the telly etc I'd have a go at anything. Had a nice little line putting "midnight" channels in CB's for mates too. Switch in a 10.245MHz xtal with an in-line trimmer cap and you would get "ten below".

Actually made a couple of trough aerials of late (one solid ali sheet and the other from mesh) which pick up Freeview perfectly.

Happy days!

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Ive got QSLs from S America using a homemade loft 1/4 wave on 11m/CB , on a standard 4w President McKinley from about 30 years ago,  :)

btw, Ive been looking to get a half decent antenna for the van this week, my ****** springer has been batter into submission this past few months,

so want to get something decent with a quick release for car parks, barriers etc, been looking at a sirio 5000 , any opinions?

ive recently had a flashback and got a superstar something or other,,,,,,,

not really had much use from it apart from truckers on the motorway,

just being a kid again I suppose,,,,,   :)

oh, on the mcKinley you could cut an internal link and gain a 10Kc shift, allowed you to get the alpha channels,  :)

Hi Ian,

Let me have your address details and I will send you strip of busbar pin insulators free of charge.

SBS Dave

I was fascinated as a kit by anything to do with RF circuits. Clearing one of the sheds the other day and found a speech processor and also VOX unit I made. Loved making FM bugs too with a couple of transistors in and home made coils. When I was young you could buy Denco coils and Jackson variable capacitors easily along with ferrite rod etc. With the 4MHz burst Xtal from a skipped telly we used to make little QRP transmitters.

Aerials from copper tube, Yagis for the telly etc I'd have a go at anything. Had a nice little line putting "midnight" channels in CB's for mates too. Switch in a 10.245MHz xtal with an in-line trimmer cap and you would get "ten below".

Actually made a couple of trough aerials of late (one solid ali sheet and the other from mesh) which pick up Freeview perfectly.

Happy days!

Sorry, when I said trough aerial I perhaps should have said "corner reflector" the one in the diagram below suggests its vertically polarized though you simply align it according to the transmitter. Mines slightly different in that I've formed the sheet with a "flat" bottom rather than the sharp apex (makes for mounting easier). That part of aerial is pretty much redundant anyway RF wise as the parabola misses it. 


Just think of it as a 2D satellite dish! The signals are collected by the "dish" and get focused onto the dipole. A bit of simple maths in it and Bob's your uncle. I made them for pensioner neighbours in the depth of a valley near me where normal TV reception with a Yagi is a bitch unless you spend big on a professional, band specific one. Everyone (inc the local aerial installers) was telling them they couldn't get Freeview and would have to have satellite. They're quite happy now with my bits of tin & mesh. Got some pics somewhere.

そのすべてのアマチュア無線に関すると、どのようにCBのセットを変更することによって、いくつかのチャンネルを拾うことができ :innocent
With respect to amateur radio of all, by how to change the set of CB, it is possible to pick up several channels....


I have had problem's with high Kw RF and low RF close to RCD's they keep tripping very strange and I did try different makes, just saying as if radio shack/shed has one fitted

did we all not have a CB in the day (Cobra 148 GTL DX  with 1Kw boots  and a silver rod twig) 

good buddy 
