Getting an isolator fitted

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Senior Member
May 17, 2010
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i live in the Durham area, north east could anyone inform me of the correct procedure for getting an isolator fitted between the meter & ccu. All sparks i have spoke to, pulls the fuse themselves and not one of them has ever phoned for an isolator. while i'm not to concerned about pulling the fuse, my problem is, sometime putting lucy blocks in connecting my tails for the consumer unit (25mm) to there tails sometimes 10mm as i dont want to snip the meter seals, any help would be appreciated

I can't comment on the isolator as I don't know your DNO's procedure.

But if your concern is sub standard meter tails, fit your new CU with over long tails terminated into a pair of henley blocks close to the meter, still then connected to the old sub standard tails.

then phone the DNO and report substandard tails. Report it as a safety concern as that will get a faster and more certain response.

If they have half an ounce of common sense they will connect your new tails straight into the meter when they upgrade the tails from the head to the meter. Better if you can be there when they come to ensure they do, or to connect your tails to the meter yourself while the cover is off and the power is off.

Are you an electrician?

Some electricians do pull the service fuse themselves, the penalty for not doing so is death by starvation as you wait the 3 weeks it takes to book an 'isolator' (kool name btw)to remove the service fuse for you

To answer your question in a hypothetical way

An electrician breaking the law could cut the seal, remove the fuse, cut the meter seal and then replace all cabling from fuse to meter, meter to cu as required then reseal both fuse and meter with ready available crimps and seals( try fleabay)

Now excuse me I'm off to apply for a job as an isolator:cool:

"excuse me, are you Sarah Connor? I am an isolator and I have come to isolate you then later this afternoon when you have finished ( wait for it)

Wait for it

" i'l be back!"


Yes i am an electrician, and now working on my own, electricians i have worked with, one only cut the fuse seal fitted henley blocks and connected to tails form the meter. The other electrician i worked with cut all seals & connected direct to the meter. i spoke to an electrician who has been in the trade for years who now lectures. He told me off the record ensure the fuse carrier is good condition make sure it is not supplying next door & pull it. he has known sparks to hurt themselves not by pulling the fuse but trying to not cut the seals & working live.

P.s I once asked a meter fitter who fitted a time clock for me when i was at college, he showed me the correct procedure gloves face mask etc; Then said he never uses them, he did pull the fuses 3phase under load and there was no arcing.

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Different DNO's, different attitudes. Seems if you're a British Gas customer it's a doddle. BUT if you're with EDF like me, well........... have a read of my thread here when I did it "properly" recently:

Saying that it wasn't my DNO who did it but my supplier EDF. My DNO is UK Power Networks or Sweet n Sour Power as they are apparently known!

Some DNO's will let you pull the fuse seals yourself and give you some temporary seals to put on the fuse. I'd say it's worth chancing your arm and popping in to the local depot. You never know your luck! Maybe if they see you come in, in a sign written van etc they might be more willing.

p.s. Whichever way you go hopefully it goes without saying to only pull the fuse OFF LOAD!

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When the hell will all the many controlling bodies to whom we are answerable finally get their brains into gear and sort this age old ,everlasting , never ending, forever re-surfacing problem out once and for all.

They have the chance to solve it by incorporating an isolator in the "Smart" meters but they are already being produced without them so doubtful if that will ever happen.

Isolating meter tails was being discussed in the '60s, '70s, '80s, '90s so don't hold your breath.

If the EEC ordered us to get it sorted , we'd jump to their tune like the cable colour change , of course.

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The fella from EDF who came to do my disconnect / reconnect said they had "trialled" fitting meters with integral isolators in BUT stopped it because of the cost. I wonder if they stopped doing it when U K Power Networks bought the distribution side off of EDF? Presumably if they have to upgrade your meter at THEIR cost then they are going to go for the cheapest option as in more money for the shareholders!

They're not interested in planning for the future because they will be selling it on to another foriegn company once the accountants deem it be so.
"following the sale of EDF Energy Networks to Cheung Kong Infrastructure Holdings, Power Assets Holdings and The Li Ka Shing Foundation in July 2010"

Love it how the Cheung Kong and Li Ka Shing names now "hide" behind the UK Power Networks name. You would almost think it an English company!

Rumour has it that the Chinese were keen on the buyout (from the French) because as part of the deal they got access to our nuclear technology...........

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How many punters out there realised what EDF was the initials of ?

Uk power networks won't fit isolators full stop. The job I am doing at present is an ongoing job so the tails will probably have to come out again. They came and moved the meter this week I even provided an isolator but they said there wasn't room for it in the meter box. Strange really.

Uk power networks won't fit isolators full stop. The job I am doing at present is an ongoing job so the tails will probably have to come out again. They came and moved the meter this week I even provided an isolator but they said there wasn't room for it in the meter box. Strange really.
In my area, although UKPN are the DNO, EDF are the supplier. It was a bit fraught making it happen (see my thread) but in the end I supplied and fitted the isolator and EDF did the disconnect/reconnect (for free). I'll say again what's been said on here about British Gas - IF I had had BG as my supplier (so UKPN would still have been the DNO) then they (BG), were only too happy to come out and fit an isolator - they even supply it all for less than

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Maybe because generally you have an isolator to turn your gas off in an emergency that is why they are more easily approached to get an isolator fitted for your leccie.

Do not wish to be tedious but there is a specific

statement in the amended version about the DNO

ONLY pulling that fuse OR a peron authorised by

the DNO. It is in a smaller type face.

This is new but if you look at the first version of the

17th it is not there.
