Goat's ears...

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user 6351

Senior Member
Oct 21, 2009
Reaction score
Good evening Mr Apache,

One of our goats decided it would be a good idea to remove her ear tag this afternoon and had managed to split the ear all the way to the tip (a tear of about 2-3 inches).

She doesn't seem at all bothered by it, we have cleaned it up using betadine and have *tried* to hold it together at the moment with micropore (I didn't think she would appreciate me shaving her to get steri-strips to stick!) whether that will stay in place or not, I don't know.

Anyway, I suppose my actual question is do you think that there is any point in asking a local vet to stitch her back together? She's to be kept as a milker and not for showing so aesthetics aren't a problem. And we can obviously keep an eye on her for infection etc.



There are many cows and sheep out there from torn ears! I have tried suturing ears of show sheep and it's not very successful.

I would leave it open to heel, keeping the flies off and maybe give it a spray up with some topical antibiotic spray.

Shouldn't be a problem, although they can bleed quite a bit when first done.

I do enjoy the variation of topics that get discussed on this part of the forum. Always makes a pleasant change from the electrical questions. Torn goats ears? thats quite a difference from bonding, earth rods, PME's, solar PV's etc.

Doc H.

It is slightly! I posted about a customer's perceived issues with screened cable for a hi-fi supply, then the memory that we have a top-notch vet around these parts as well came to me!

Thanks Apache, I had already patched her up with the micropore before I posted yesterday, so I have left this in place rather than upset her any further, but will keep a close eye on things.

The wife's a bit gutted - she's gone a bit soft on the goats and thinks that her good looks are now ruined by the fact that her ear is in two halves! Personally, as long as she can give us milk for my breakfast and babies for dinner, I'm not too bothered about her looks!
