Harmonised colours ...my arze!!

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Evans Electric

Supporting Member
Sep 15, 2008
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What is the point of some of this cable , I ask .

At printers today to reconfigure a stacker onto a German built folder , lots of flexibles with multi-pin plugs and sockets so that different units can be swopped and changed.

But the colours , what is the point ? I see a lot of this lately. The only way to determine between the colours is to analise them with a

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Could've been worse, you could've been getting a parking ticket while you were in there!!!!

What is the point of some of this cable , I ask .At printers today to reconfigure a stacker onto a German built folder , lots of flexibles with multi-pin plugs and sockets so that different units can be swopped and changed.

But the colours , what is the point ? I see a lot of this lately. The only way to determine between the colours is to analise them with a
Just a small related question, why were the red/yello/blue colours changed in the first place? I have never known..

I was told ,when we actually came across some white, that it was prone to turning yellow anyway, but may have been merely his opinion .

Don't see much of it now ,along with half size neutrals in PILSWA and STA s .

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You find machines from Italy with all red cables. German machines wired with what ever colour cable they have in there workshop. It drives me mad when trying to fault find.

Don't even get me started on electrical drawing standards OMG

I used to repair/commission/install guillotines and Press Breaks [serious steel working kit]...the old english stuff like pearsons were nearly always black wire, Edwards had a few colours BUT the foreign stuff Adiras [can't remeber other makes]...any colour you wanted! Green phase, red earth, purple earth, yellow neutral. Used to be quite common to have the 'magic smoke' leaking out......happy days! glad I am out of it!...... :coat

Used to be quite common to have the 'magic smoke' leaking out......happy days!
This reminds me of a support call I heard a computer service engineer take (back in the days when they when they had a degree in electronics and carried a soldering iron, not just a set of boards to swap out untill it worked :) )

Customer : I just turned my screen on and it started to smoke (note the use of the word screen, not monitor, this dates the story)

Engineer : What colour is the smoke ?

Customer : It's White

Engineer : That explains it, the reason for your problem is your company decided to save money by buying cheap shoddy imports from Taiwan.

Customer : How do you know that?

Enginner : If you had bought good quility British products the smoke would be BLUE.

Enginner puts phone down and clocks of his shift.

something to do with white being earth reference, or something along those lines, just blame it on the beginning of harmonisation.
Possibly because the GPO functional earth was a cream/white colour?.............but, as always with my posts 'this is a pure and wild guess/stab in the dark, and as such is most likely incorrect'.......... :coat

You find machines from Italy with all red cables. German machines wired with what ever colour cable they have in there workshop. It drives me mad when trying to fault find.
The wiring harnesses in JCBs are all wired in yellow cables of different sizes with numbering on. These cables then get to connector plugs and then the number changes on the other side of the plug. The only way to trace a fault is with the service manual with all the wiring diagrams in with the cable numbers.
