This is a heater element for a hand-drier. The element bit of it is intact, but the component circled in yellow does not seem to pass current. What is this component, and can I bypass it to make the heater work again?
Read the numbers on it. google that and it will tell you the temperature. Then REPLACE it with another one of the same temperature. CPC sell them. They are used in some storage heaters as well, I usually have a few for that reason.
Stroppy , you need to stop and think traced the faulty component but the solution was NOT, short it out and it'll work again . Component is there for a reason , identify it and replace .
No offence meant here , just advice .
Just wondering , were the vents blocked up before you stripped it down?
Now I know what the 'thing' is I have ordered a pack of replacements, and we will see what happens! And no, the vents weren't blocked, so why it popped in the first place remains to be seen.
Now I know what the 'thing' is I have ordered a pack of replacements, and we will see what happens! And no, the vents weren't blocked, so why it popped in the first place remains to be seen.
Or else it was used to dry someone's clothes a la mr bean and the fool blocked the air intake by draping something over it. Never under estimate peoples' capacity to misuse perfectly functioning appliances
Look at this fella from iceland below. An icelandic swimming pool really had to put up this poster.