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Well-known member
May 10, 2009
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I'm sorry everyone, but I'm asking the age old question about which testers to buy.

I'm a bit of a Megger girl because I've used those more than anything else and have always found them easy to use and reliable. The new 1720 looks great and has a 2 lead non-trip loop test which sounds wonderful. It also starts several tests on its own, you don't have to press a start button.

If I had loads of money I would definately go for the 1720.....

BUT I don't have loads of money and the Kewtech KT64 kit that Megger Mark is selling is about

I have been using a Megger MFT1553 for a year and can't fault it, best tester I have used, however I have never used any Kewtech gear.


IIRC KME did not like the Kewtech he bought and went back to his Fluke after getting it fixed.

I'm sure he'll be on later.

I did use some Kew kit and did not like it, but this is purely personal, I like Fluke kit as it is what I have been brought up with.

I have also used other Megger kit but not the MFT's and found this very good.

Hi all, Now then, i am not saying any one make is any better than any other [i did just buy a Megger 1730 three days ago though!!] but, there is a saying that goes something like; "the bitterness of poor quality is remembered long after the sweetness of a low price is forgotten...."


Ali has been trying to buy a tester for 2 years now , keeps coming back with shoes !!! :p

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Sorry Ali, could'nt resist it.

As Nozzer says , go for quality , theres not going to be much wrong with a Megger .

Oh no, I had pretty much decided on the Kewtech and now I think I'll have to save up for the Megger. Blinking flip, this is not an easy decision.

Oh no, I had pretty much decided on the Kewtech and now I think I'll have to save up for the Megger. Blinking flip, this is not an easy decision.
As everyone says,,, just leave off the shoes and handbags for a month;)

For some reason I thought you were employed as opposed to self employed Ali?

Yes NozSpark, I am currently employed and would love to stay that way, but the boss isn't getting too much work in at the moment so I may not be able to stay employed much longer. I am in the process of signing up with a scam provider and buying testers so that I can do my own work when my boss is quiet and maybe build up some customers for if my boss can't keep me on. I would much rather carry on working for him so on my days off I have been spending lots of time and shoe leather posting hundreds of fliers through local letter boxes for him. In fact I've done so much walking I think I need another pair of shoes] :)

Ah,, that explains your need for a tester...

Was going to say your boss should be supplying things like that, but as it's for your own work;)

I do hope he's paying you for your leg work! Even if it's only a new pair of shoes;)

Ah,, that explains your need for a tester...Was going to say your boss should be supplying things like that, but as it's for your own work;)

I do hope he's paying you for your leg work! Even if it's only a new pair of shoes;)
So that's hopefully made your mind up then Ali. You save your hard earned for the tester and your boss will get your new shoes. If you have a chat with Meggermark, he might be able to do you a good deal on a tester and who knows, he might even take some of your shoes as part ex.

the red stilettoes with the killer heels look nice, :D

testers, well, mmm, Fluke for me, or anything but megger,

but thats only personal preference,

at the end of the day ALI, you pays your money and you takes your choice, have you asked MM if he can maybe knock a bit off the megger? has he an old last years model kicking about?(would you be happy with an ex-display one?)

remember too, if you are only starting up maybe that

I've already talked to Megger Mark and he's been far too helpful. He's offered me a great price on both the Kewtech and the Megger.

Oh well, I've seen a lovely little dress in the sales, maybe I don't need a tester after all............

you get that dress on, and the red stilettoes, and come to the forum party and Im sure you'd make more than enuff money for a few tersters if you wanted, ;)


These are difficult times Ali, so on 2nd thoughts , get the one you can afford ie Kewtech as said they are rebranded Robin , don't knock it about , it'll be fine ,lets face it as long it gives you those readings , thats all that matters.

On the work front ,if you became self employed you could always help the boss out as a subbie.

If you go self employed do you think there is any milage in pushing the fact that you are a female sparks . I think there is a firm of female plumbers in London who do very well .

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you get that dress on, and the red stilettoes, and come to the forum party and Im sure you'd make more than enuff money for a few tersters if you wanted, ;) :D
See Ali , hes off again , and don't forget hes not actually the handsome guy in the avatar, thats the son Harold Steptoe , the one on here is Albert , his dad.

I've already talked to Megger Mark and he's been far too helpful. He's offered me a great price on both the Kewtech and the Megger. Oh well, I've seen a lovely little dress in the sales, maybe I don't need a tester after all............
Noooooooooooo !!!! Try and get a Zs reading from the little sequin number!!
