Hole in one today!

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Robin Spark

Well-known member
Aug 30, 2009
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Wish i was talking about golf, but no, drilled straight through cooker cable when installing cable for cooker extractor today!

Cooker cable installed diagonally from ceiling down to cooker switch but I thought (presumed) it was coming straight down from above to switch when I prechecked!

Another one of those simple jobs that takes a lot longer to complete:_|

Wish i was talking about golf, but no, drilled straight through cooker cable when installing cable for cooker extractor today!Cooker cable installed diagonally from ceiling down to cooker switch but I thought (presumed) it was coming straight down from above to switch when I prechecked!

Another one of those simple jobs that takes a lot longer to complete:_|
Dont you just love that word..."PRESUMED"... ROTFWL O) :yawn :slap

Dont you just love that word..."PRESUMED"... ROTFWL O) :yawn :slap
I thought you would find it funny ha ha, I am laughing now but wasnt at the time it happened!

We've all done it M8!!

When I was an apprentice working on a Halls of Residence at B,ham Uni, new build .

Given the job of fixing wall heaters in each flat , must have been at least 100 flats.

What I didn't know was that they were wired in prefabricated lengths of pyro and any spare was just looped in a circle ,before plastering, to lose it, not re-make off the terms .

So each heater spur had a circle of pyro around it , or an S shape , power was off so I must have drilled through the cable in about 10 flats before someone started switching on , I got a right rollocking but someone should have told me they were zig-zagging pyros to lose the slack . No such thing as detectors back then.

now should you charge the customer for this? Your the one who drilled it but they are the one with the cable not in a safe zone?

now should you charge the customer for this? Your the one who drilled it but they are the one with the cable not in a safe zone?
I think the big question which would decide who picks up the tab for this is....

Did the person doing the work take all reasonable precautions and complete all tests to ensure there were no cables in the work area.

If the answer is yes then I think it goes on the bill. (and ask why the cable was not found)

If the answer is NO then I think the electrician pays for all work required to rectify the problem.

We all know we get lazy and we all know we do not do all the checks we should.

Every sparks in the world does it so lets not pretend we are perfect because we just are not. ( I used to be perfect but improved so much now) :innocent

I take my hat off to the originator of this thread because at no time has he even hinted that he did nothing wrong.

Who will be next to admit they drilled through a cable or gas/water pipe ? :C

i once drilled blind a floor board because i was too lazy to pull the f***er up thinking no rad no problem, drilled into floor board to fish cables for cctv in hallway and heard a hissssssing sound pulled floor board up in 2 milli seconds :^O and found micro pour pipework feeding bathroom radiator, :_| told the customer i found a leak under the floor :^O but said id sort it with my plumber who came out with in 2 hours and fixed the drilled pipe i paid him just told them id sort as they are ederly and its just one of those thingsO) :eek: :Blushing:Blushing ]:) :slap

Who will be next to admit they drilled through a cable or gas/water pipe ? :C
never drilled through a cable, but i have put a 16mm bit through a gas pipe. and screwed a floorboard down straight through a heating pipe

someone i was on a job with a few years ago drilled through the feed to the house once. we then got a jointer who didnt follow safe isolation, and ignored me telling him its live, before cutting it live. with a large bang

and on another job, the sparky i was with drilled a hole straight through a gas pipe (installed earlier that day - still dead), fed earth wire through it and then to water. plumbers came to test gas, found leak, and ended up replacing a small section

i used to do a lot of curtain fitting, to save drilling through pipes/cables p would push a bradaw through the plasterboard to make sure it was safe to push my drill through, untill my bradaw went through a plastic pipe

if u drill slowing and with very little pressure, and there is a cable behind the wall, you can normally feel the spring action of the cable moving, that is if there is one...

if it is plaster board i still use a masony drill bit, as if it hits a cable it will not do as much damage...

if u drill slowing and with very little pressure, and there is a cable behind the wall, you can normally feel the spring action of the cable moving, that is if there is one... if it is plaster board i still use a masony drill bit, as if it hits a cable it will not do as much damage...
I use a cable detector it seems to work regardless of pressure used. ?:|

:Blushing my 2 memorable mishaps to date.

Using pad saw to cut plasterboard for socket on a bare wall & was lucky enough to score the microbore heating pipes that horizontally traversed the room behind boarding through to next room, no sign of water so came clean to customer & left as was...been 2 years and no call back so must have been ok.

bad day explode

drilling through external wall for outside light feed, no accessories in area so wellied the bit through & bang off goes the mcb for upstairs lighting.

I jig sawed a hole in a shower room floor straight through an under floor heating pipe.

What makes it even more stupid is it was in my own house, I was the person that laid the heating pipes and I had even drawn on the floor to show where every pipe was exactly.

Trouble was, we changed the shower tray for a larger one, which meant the drain was in a different place to the original plan.

And my large cardboard template of the new shower tray was covering the lines that showed me where the pipes were, and I was jig sawing the hole marked on the cardboard template.

I stopped drilling when a spout of water started to come up from the floor.

I jig sawed a hole in a shower room floor straight through an under floor heating pipe.What makes it even more stupid is it was in my own house, I was the person that laid the heating pipes and I had even drawn on the floor to show where every pipe was exactly.

Trouble was, we changed the shower tray for a larger one, which meant the drain was in a different place to the original plan.

And my large cardboard template of the new shower tray was covering the lines that showed me where the pipes were, and I was jig sawing the hole marked on the cardboard template.

I stopped drilling when a spout of water started to come up from the floor.
:slap :slap :slap are you sure about that road sign ???? :slap :slap :slap

worked with a lad installing earth rods outside some bungalows, yep u guessed whacked the thing straight through the main incomer, wasnt funny at the time but it tickles me nowROTFWL Nedl charged my boss 850 big ones 2 dig it up and repair, the guilty man had 100 pound a week tuk out of his wages 2 cover the costs, app he cuts his earth rods in half now ha ha !!!! Its safer for him he says. :)
