I have brought this up previously about alarms its just about the sensors and contacts I cant get my head around im not a an alarm person but I have been asked by a relative to do one.I know all equipment is wired separately as mentioned before its just the connecting up in the alarm box I need to know about.I know zoning has been mentioned i.e downstairs zone etc.People say everything should be individually zoned bell box,keypad its just about the sensors and contacts I need to know about can you zone the sensors and contacts together? or just keep everything separate zoned?Its just downstairs to do a bell box,keypad,2 sensors ,3 door contacts and 2 window contacts plus a 3rd main window with two small windows requiring two window contacts.That will be 9 alarm cables coming to the alarm box or 8 if I pair up the 2 main window contacts is this allowed is this an exception?Id like your input thanks