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Good morning all,

'That makes sense. What's to stop them taking down your class II fittings and putting up metal fittings with halogen lamps whilst you are driving away from the property and the tyre prints are still fresh on the drive?'

I agree totally with all the comments and in particular this one. Fortunately the customer in this case is a very responsible type of landlord and will usually listen to advice. So I will rewire the lighting and do all the other items to ensure conformity.

Thanks again to everyone for the advice


Interesting reading. I guess it must be hard sometimes to find the balance between doing a good job, doing what is necessary and making a living. Sometimes I wonder what the heck i'm letting myself in for in this trade. When we are passionate about safety and quality it's not an option to make do with second best. What a shame the majority of the population has such little respect for either safety or quality. Anybody got a sore head from banging it against a brick wall? :coat

I like lurking
I think lurkers are also very welcome on the forum to view and learn or just enjoy the posts. But we do also appreciate any extra input from anyone willing to post.

Doc H.
