How Rude!!!!!

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Plumbers and immersions don't mix.

I went to fix a storage heater and while I was there I was asked to to "check the immersion" as it keeps boiling the water. Aparantly she had called the same plumber round 4 times over 6 months and each time he fitted a new thermostat.

The thermostat was set to "60" but the water was boiling. to make it turn off I had to turn it down to "10" (first time I had seen one go that low on it's dial)

I told her to see how it goes but if it still gives trouble I would take the immersion out to have a look (something the plumber never did) I suspect the bottom of the tank was caked in scale and the stat was not properly seeing the water temp.

scale doesn't affect the stat or water temp, it only affects water quality, element life and potentially volume if you have that much scale.

if it was getting too hot despite stat changes then it will be the element doing it, no idea why but they can do that when they are knackered.

there is a difference between being callout to to look at a job to give a quote, and going to fix something.

as a general rule, if any tools leave the van, or customer specifically requests that i go ASAP to fix something, then its chargeable

This is more of a rant to be honestLast august I fitted a customers down lights which he supplied.

He told me his wife had seen the perfect ones at B&Q.

I told him I could supply and fit somthing just as nice (and ten times better) but NO as his wife wanted the B&Q ones.

Ok says me so i quote him labour and arrange a day.

lights fitted, no problem, happy days, money in bank.

Fast forward to last week at the chaps wife phones me, apparantly one of the lamps was flickering and hubby tried to fix this and messed it up.

I turn up and reconnect the lamp, b&q fittings are ****e!

Hes happy and so is she, no mention of money.

I drive away and send them a bill for a callout that I discounted as i was only there 15 minutes for
Worst payers are usually the posh buggers with six Porsches , four Beamers and a Chelsea Tractor on the front. Also those who you might suspect may have not been born in this country , seem to think although you told them it would cost

imagine going to jobs all day that are best left to others.

a days pay =

this would be a good job then if it wasnt for the domestic customer ha ha ha

I always find the bigger house the longer they think they have to pay, I,m sure its a ohm,s law type equation. :)

T=xP where T is time taken, P is poshness in t**ats per meter and x is a constant.
