Then tell us where we are going wrong, every member is a valued addition and if you can start by being truthful maybe some things can change.
Okay. But you may wish to start a new thread if you feel it necessary as it will mix the thread up. it is very nice of you to invite me to comment and I appreciate that.
I have been in the trade from day 1 as a a self-employed electriciain. My background is from a different discipline but I am good at maths and physics, the cornerstone of our trade, and picked up the theory quite quickly.
My main gripe, if you can call it that, is how moderators and administrators of forums behave towards posters. IMHO, and it is an opinion, moderators have a difficult but valuable job to perform and sometimes over tsep their remit. Unfortunately it is very easy to upset people from a written word as the meaning can be difficult to convey at the best of times. I deserved what I got the other day when I name called sidewinder, but there are two sides to everything and in that particular case three mods and an admin were on my case very quickly and perhaps too quickly to see what was going on. I felt hurt and intimidated during that thread and was quite uncomfortable for several hours afterwards. Rule one would appear to me to perhaps private message a member who is causing concern and try to deqal with it "oof the forum". If the member continues to incur unwelcome behaviour then by all means sanction it as the moderator or administrator sees fit. I feel that Doc has made some remarks that were wholly unnescessary as a maderator when he "opinionated" a reply. This is not IMHO the remit of a moderator to stamp their own opinion on a post and whether it deserves it or not it is not right to condemn. I can see it is a vey difficult position to have but at the same time a very powerful one on a forum and maybe that is the problem some moderators like to weild the power too urgently without stepping back, counting to ten and informing the person that things aren't what they should be.
There is a reluctance among forum posters to accept that they may be wrong. This is endemic on forums. People just won't back down from any point and this causes friction, too. I feel moderators can help more in this regard by being absolutely impartial to the posters and helping to diffuse the problem. I sense that on this forum loyalties have become established and new members or less experienced people asking questions often fall victim to opinionated responses to OPs. I also feel dictatorial repsonse is provocative too and again not in the remit of a moderator, no matter how stongly the moderator feels he should not make it personal.
Don't get me wrong, I am guilty of behaving shall we say, in less than friendly manner, on occsions but I will admit to being wrong and I will reconsider a post if a feel it is needed.
May I also say this forum appears to have an excellent foundation with good knowledgeable people and lots of information to share. I am not just saying this to illicit favour, I genuinely feel that about the forum. But my staement above regarding how I feel having been around it for relatively short time was an unease generated by the long established friendships on here.
I don't feel that anyone is doing anything wrongly in particualr I just feel that soem of the long established members may need to look at what the say and how they say it in a less provoking way. I am all for a bit of banter. Clever banter is healthy but maybe some of the banter has got just too personal and needs to be corrected by the mods, gently.
I mean no ill to anyone and I feel I can contibute to a post in a knowledgeable way as much as I can learn from knowledgeable people. Let me know your own thoughts as this is a discussion and needs participation.