how well are we all doing at the moment and throughout year?

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Feb 24, 2008
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just wondered how well most of us self employed are doing, has anyone got loads of work, and has anyone done really well finacially, i just worked out how much work ive done all year since jan 09 and up to now ive done just over 20 grand which is a just under half what i did in 2007 :(

Ime glad to see theres hope for sum. I myself am just managing each month. Doing labouring for a spark and doing installs for a mate who has a kitchen and bathroom company (must say he pays well) but the work is not constant and i find myself trying to fill gaps. With all this i still make sure that my work is safe and no cuting corners either but thats me Perfectionist !

turnover to be honest pache, but it would be interesting to know if people are making any money or loosing money :)
I'm glad to be employed and on a salary. Will be interesting in Feb when pay review due.


Not doing bad at all for the moment.

Still have a few weeks booked in advance & have some quotes still in the offing....have been given the nod today to quote for cctv at a school and at a community hall & at a local council office.

The local authority work has snowballed since I completed a few emergency jobs for a local school board of govonors, two of who are local councilors who asked me to supply details & become registered on the approved council list.

Other work is also picking up.... 2 rewires to quote on this weekend. Got a 60mtr submain to outbuilding & green house to start on Monday then wire up both outbuildings + supply to a pool filter/heater.

Then there's the run of the mill faults to sort & small jobs like extending & adding to circuits.

So cant complain

I seem to have a mad 2 or 3 weeks then a quiet 2 weeks. Its all very unpredictable I wish I was employed and had a salary then maybe I could be as rich as patch.

Very slow here Badger, nothing on the books and nothing planned...

Still, I think myself very fortunate that as a careful 'new starter', I'm not totally self employed yet and haven't binned the old day job yet, so I can still feed the offspring!

In a wee busy spell at the moment but patchy in general, week to week. Commercial clients keep me ticking over but domestic stuff has died on it's 4R5E. Haven't done a full rewire this year!

Doing my numbers now and the Porsche is definately for another year!

I started out in january, first six months were ok but was not near enough work as i wanted and needed. I started subbing to a local firm in july and have not really looked back......bills are paid, money in the bank.....patiently waiting for the new boom!

lots of small agencies have gone that had provided easy pickings

the small number of long established and respected ones have no work however.

currently working for a firm in deep water with 100k overdraft with only 7 guys on the books half sparks half less than impressive apprentices

making sure i'm paid weekly altho doing
