I found a "made up" PIR today.

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Nov 28, 2009
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Yes todays job was a PIR on a private club. Unusually there was the previous PIR from 5 years ago, nicely written up on a Select PIR form and giving the install a clean bill of health. I confirmed with someone from the club that no work had been done since the last PIR so thought I was in for an easy day, and thought it would be interesting to compare my readings with the previous ones.

Well what an eye opener. for a start hardly any of the readings matched.

Then I got to DB No 2 that was labelled as having 4 socket circuits, and 2 lighting circuits. The last PIR also labelled them as 4 socket circuits.

But I could not identify which sockets they fed. ONE of them seemed to feed some sockets, but not the others. So I investigated. One fed an FCU right next to the DB, one fed the hand dryers in the ladies and gents toilets, and the last one fed a chiller unit in the cellar.

There's no way the previous sparks could have taken any actual readings without noticing these circuits didn't feed sockets, but did something else. So I marked up my EICR correctly and re labelled the DB. (remember I was assured there had been no work since the last PIR)

Then I found a socket circuit where the guy had recorded a ring continuity value. Shame was it was a radial socket circuit on a 20A MCB so can't have a ring continuity value.

Then he failed to notice the gas bond was only in 2.5mm, and at the wrong end of the gas pipe. That was ticked as "OK" and marked down as 10mm

And he failed to notice the N-E short on the Ban Marie circuit, N-E was marked as >199M ohm

And he failed to notice the two flexes exiting the control box for the fryer that had no bushes or grommets and were just rubbing against the sharp metal hole.

Nor did he notice the unknown circuit wired in 1mm t&e that had been tapped onto a 40A MCB serving a cooker. I disconnected that having failed to find what it feeds. When I get the "x y z isn't working" call, I will have found what it feeds and will re connect it on the correct rating MCB.

My guess is the guy took about 10 minutes to read off the labels on the DB's, have a quick look at the cable sizes and then went away to make up some values. He even got that bit wrong. One submain, wired in 6mm SWA using the SWA as the CPC, he had marked as 6mm for L and 4mm for CPC.

Totally shocking, first time I've seen a previous PIR so obviously made up.

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I've had a company test circuits and dis boards that did not exist in a building I've seen it so many times,that's why they charge

I would say 50% o the ones I carry out after someone else are made up in that they write what it says on the db and fabricate the rest... Trouble is when they have told owner it's a clean bill of health for

So Dave I'm very surprised that this is 1st time you've come across it.... It's very common.....
I've found made up values before, but never anything so blatantly wrong as this. Usually they at least identify the circuits properly, even if they do then guess the values.

I always try and pop at least one downlight down, if its poorly terminated then I code it accordingly and note that further investigation required for the rest of them,

if its OK I again note that and state 'one fitting only' inspected (and state which one) [1 fitting per bank if possible].

as for made ups, I dont see so many, most people are wary of letting you see them, but I do get quite a few want me to re-test as they are not happy with the test they have had done for

Ive heard of "people" who for a small fee will give you a EICR from any scam all via email person takes a pic of CU emails to the EICR Kid and a few days later recieves a EICR giving the install a clean bill of health.....

Ive heard of "people" who for a small fee will give you a EICR from any scam all via email person takes a pic of CU emails to the EICR Kid and a few days later recieves a EICR giving the install a clean bill of health.....
Never heard of that one!!! What a shocker!

---------- Post Auto-Merged at 08:13 ---------- Previous post was made at 08:11 ----------

Our NICEIC assessor told me he would not expect us to remove a downlight to inspect/test as it may damage the decoration and is included in the bit about 'stuff buried in walls, under floors etc'. I told him i disagreed as looking at how a light has been fitted & connected normally shows how good or bad the rest of the work is done (if the lights been caulked in or ceiling looks in poor condition thats another story) and its one of the first things i do.
Didn't even need to cos I asked about loft access and hey presto a set of pull down ladders appear!! Could see all 6 of them from above.... Surprised NICEIC have that view on them though...

gone the extra mile me thinks there dave?

charge them extra / get work out of it?

seems not right but have to give some benefit of doubt. n-e fault could occur after unless you find blatent fault thats been there since install etc

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