I Hate Lofts !

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Just remembered another. On the MOD base I was working on, the loft access was over the bath. I had remembered I had left a pair of pliers up there so went back. No steps so climbed on the bath hoisted myself up legs in and arms did not quite lock, lost strength and fell straight into the bath landing on my back. Was winded and could not breathe (very scary) again no sympathy just mickey taking and laughter!
could be worse... they could have turned the tap on

I avoid lofts whenever I can. At nearly 19 stone it proves a little tricky trying to climb past timbers and balance on beams like a bloody gymnast! My business partner tends to jump up and is happy to roll around in the stuff. Trouble is, I don't like wasps and he HATES the things. Saw him actually nose-dive out of a loft hatch in some sheltered housing once because he crawled into the loft and then put his lead light on when up there. It was like a red rag to a bull for the wasps! I was hysterical watching a 6 foot bloke literally dive straight through the hatch screaming!

Only done it a couple of times, dont normally do domestic. But breathing that stuff in must have some sort of long term damage??

Don't mind lofts really, except for the one I was working in yesterday.

Trying to find a cable, buried under 6 inches of fibreglass, with a light in one hand, trying carefully to not fall through the ceiling below!

That was a fun start to the day!

Don't mind lofts really, except for the one I was working in yesterday.Trying to find a cable, buried under 6 inches of fibreglass, with a light in one hand, trying carefully to not fall through the ceiling below!

That was a fun start to the day!
Get a head torch then much better
