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Maybe you should do a search and see how often ccu has been used when it is not referring to a consumer unit. I would suspect it would be in the sub 1%. Therefore the majority of people on here understand what CCU is used for and using it for a cooker connection unit will most likely confuse things.


What's a cooker control unit?

Maybe you should do a search and see how often ccu has been used when it is not referring to a consumer unit. I would suspect it would be in the sub 1%. Therefore the majority of people on here understand what CCU is used for and using it for a cooker connection unit will most likely confuse things.QED
I can;t recall seeing CCU being used as reference to a consumer unit as yet, although I haven;t been here long obviously, but still.

ETA: Hmm, obviously now I look then yes, CCU is also commonly used to describe a consumer unit here, but it has also been used to describe a cooker connection or control unit, and CU is also commonly used to describe a consumer unit.

Anyway, wasn;t starting an argument, maybe it's a regional thing, I can;t say I've ever had problems with using the definitions and abbreviations I have chosen over the years.

Perhaps abbreviations should be banned.

You seem to have posted in this very recent thread (note the title)
Yes, I did notice that, brain obviously tunes out at times! Edited to add soem info above.

Maybe you should do a search and see how often ccu has been used when it is not referring to a consumer unit. I would suspect it would be in the sub 1%. Therefore the majority of people on here understand what CCU is used for and using it for a cooker connection unit will most likely confuse things.QED
9% (14/154) of references appear to be to cooker connection units

the remainder customer consumer unit. Not one reference to cooker control unit, other than this thread


9% (14/154) of references appear to be to cooker connection unitsthe remainder customer consumer unit. Not one reference to cooker control unit, other than this thread

Well the "big switchie thing for a cooker" I guess is officially called (by some manufactures at least) a cooker control unit and i believe the cooker connection unit is called (again by some manufacturers) a cooker cable outlet plate (or just cooker outlet plate).

Well, my original point still stands anyway, I call a CCU a cooker control unit, and a CU a consumer unit, and I also call a spade a spade, so therefore, I am correct. :) FACT

Well, my original point still stands anyway, I call a CCU a cooker control unit, and a CU a consumer unit, and I also call a spade a spade, so therefore, I am correct. :) FACT
But its a shovel..... :p

I think that a ccu and a ccu are significantly different that it would be hard for people to mix them up when talking about them so its not really an issue.

Well, my original point still stands anyway, I call a CCU a cooker control unit, and a CU a consumer unit, and I also call a spade a spade, so therefore, I am correct. :) FACT
with the cooker control unit you are on your own 91% use it on here for customer consumer unit.

I can't see being in the minority worries you especially.

The numbers speak for themselves.

I think that a ccu and a ccu are significantly different that it would be hard for people to mix them up when talking about them so its not really an issue.
Riiiight, cleared that right up there then! I'll add that to the front of my OSG so as not to get confused later. ;)

Riiiight, cleared that right up there then! I'll add that to the front of my OSG so as not to get confused later. ;)
Not really as you still think the shovel is a spade.


Ask a simple question and confusion reigns ROTFWL ROTFWL ROTFWL

Well done for agreeing that a spade is a shovel and and a CCU can be either a customers consumer unit or a cooker connection unit or even a cooker control unit , Applaud Smiley Applaud Smiley Applaud Smiley .

Seriously tho thanks for all the answers, reading it all to leave the CPC longer is best/safest option , so best to always try to make sure it is the longest.

When I went to college ccu was cooker control unit how times have changed in those days Blue was L3 and black was neutral though. If people want ccu to be fuse box thats fine by me.


I think in a lot of cases, it is easy to work out what is being refered to by the acronym, from the context of the rest of the post.

It would be a bit petty to correcting people all the time.

I must admit, that I have not come accross the phrase Customer Control Unit before. When I googled it, I could not find it, however I could find Consumer Unit, and Cooker Control/Connection Unit.
