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When I went to college ccu was cooker control unit . If people want ccu to be fuse box thats fine by me.Batty
I think in a lot of cases, it is easy to work out what is being refered to by the acronym, from the context of the rest of the post.It would be a bit petty to correcting people all the time.

I must admit, that I have not come accross the phrase Customer Control Unit before. When I googled it, I could not find it, however I could find Consumer Unit, and Cooker Control/Connection Unit.
Wow `pache. I`ve been here since Admin was young; and I`d NEVER seen CCU for a cons. unit.

Must agree withLurchio, and the two posters above here, though. Call it what you want. I know CCU as both cooker connection unit, AND cooker control unit. If I think that I need to confirm which one I`m talking about, I`d write it out. AFAIAC, CU is a cons. unit. I see no need whatsoever to prefix it with "customer`s". Who else`s might it be??

If we REALLY want to be pedantic, though, we could adopt the following:

C`sCU - Customers consumer unit

CCUP - Cooker control unit (with Plug)

CCU - Cooker Conection Unit.

Personally, I`d go with Spinny here - If I can`t tell what is being discussed by the context, something is wrong!


Then you really must open your eyes KME as there are loads of threads that reference CCU as customer consumer unit and I would put money (well not mine obviously) on that you have contributed to a number of those threads.

mr smith knowsthat a CCU

is where my patients go to get better

mr smith
Then you're not a real doctor.

The CCU is where patients usually go before the morgue!



(was my first thought when I saw CCU)

I don't understand why anyone would call a Consumer Unit a Customer Consumer Unit?

Aren't Customer and Consumer just different words for the same thing?

Now Consumer Control Unit I can understand, or perhaps even Customer Control Unit.

Seems to me however, that CU for Consumer Unit and CCU for Cooker Connection/Control Unit would save confusion.

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If you really want to save confusion then not using any tla's or abreviations would be best would it not?

A tla is a tla (Three letter acronym).
Are you sure? I thought it was a two letter acronym.
AH! Thank you. I didn`t know that one - did you make it up??Wet Fish

Spinny - can`t you count, mate? (t=1,l=2,a=3) easy:coat

What would help is if acronyms were capitalised:x

And maybe is we stuck to the ones in the abbreviatons thread.

