Reverting on the various comments - I contracted a builder to modernize a period house - he was a friend and had done earlier refurb jobs in the past. But he turned out to be bad news - burned through the funds without completing most of the contract, got me to pay substantially more, didn't complete various milestones set, continually asked for more funds. He controlled the electrician / plumber / tiller and would not bring then back to complete various half-finished jobs.... became pretty messy. I gave him various chances to finish the contract, even paid above the contract amount. Then, I issued a breach of contract notice and asked hm to finish within a couple of weeks. Two month later, various jobs still half done, work going at a snails pace, me paying for materials also, him demanding substantial more funds to contiue, getting aggressive and started misbehaving; hence issued him a termination notice. Afraid it meant that we've lost the electrician also. I guess now the only option is to bring in a certified electrician to inspect the electrics done, give a condition report, fix any issues and give a certificate. Does this sound right, and is this route acceptable to local area council / part p certification? thanks