522.6.203 Irrespective of its buried depth,a cable concealed in a wall or partition, the internal construction of which includes metallic parts, other than metallic fixings such as nails, screws and the like, shall:
(i) be provided with additional protection by means of an RCD having the characteristics specified in Regulation 415.1.1, or
(ii) comply with Regulation 522.6.204.
For a cable installed at a depth of less than 50 mm from the surface of a wall or partition the requirements of Regulation 522.6.202 shall also apply.
522.6.204 For the purposes of Regulation 522.6.201(ii), Regulation 522.6.202(ii) and Regulation 522.6.203(ii), a cable shall:
(i) incorporate an earthed metallic covering which complies with the requirements of these Regulations for a protective conductor of the circuit concerned, the cable complying with BS 5467, BS 6724, BS 7846, BS 8436 or BS EN 60702-1, or
(ii) be installed in earthed conduit complying with BS EN 61386-21 and satisfying the requirements of these Regulations for a protective conductor, or
(iii) be enclosed in earthed trunking or ducting complying with BS EN 50085-2-1 and satisfying the requirements of these Regulations for a protective conductor, or
(iv) be provided with mechanical protection against damage sufficient to prevent penetration of the cable by nails, screws and the like, or
(v) form part of a SELV or PELV circuit meeting the requirements of Regulation 414.4.