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Fridge Keyholder™
Supporting Member
Mar 7, 2008
Reaction score
In the office again.
I know a lot of you don`t watch it; but....

2 weeks ago, on X-factor, they had Westlife performing new single.

The lighting effects they`d brought with them were lasers that acted more like golden scans - changed from red to green to blue, did things I`ve never seen a "standard" theatrical laser do.

Anybody know `owt about `em????

on a more related note KME, try blue room

and if anyone else has a bit time, have a look through 'dodgy electricians' thread under electrics (you have to be a member for this part for some reason)

The lighting effects they`d brought with them were lasers that acted more like golden scans - changed from red to green to blue, did things I`ve never seen a "standard" theatrical laser do.

Anybody know `owt about `em????
Ooh, get you, "golden scans" eh? :^O Most sparks I meet wouldn't know the difference between a golden scan and a golden shower! I'd rather chew my leg off than watch that program so I don't know what you are talking about (and I'm not going to Youtube it, someone might see it on my PC history. My hardcore **** viewing, no problem, but me watching X-factor.....brrrr, I have a reputation to think of), but 3 colour lasers have been around for a while now and are quite affordable (Certainly 1 laser is more affordable than a usable amount of Golden Scan 4s - no point in buying just a single scan). One laser bounced off a multitude of mirrors can be very effective.

Golden Scans! KME, you're showing your age! Moving mirror lights are sooo.... yesterday! It's all moving yoke nowadays mate!

Hell! It's all LED now to be be truthful!

Golden Scans! KME, you're showing your age! Moving mirror lights are sooo.... yesterday! It's all moving yoke nowadays mate!Hell! It's all LED now to be be truthful!
Moving mirror are still the best when it comes to fast dance type nights. Moving heads are over used in my opinion.

You have to pay good money to get any lasting quality with movers. Im seeing a lot of repairs with the cheaper type that have flooded the market.

LED`s....They have there place too.

Chuck:Done a fair bit of theatre work (not on the stage), and can happily handle the lighting and/or sound desks :)

Good for you mate. I'm happiest driving a Midas board, in my element, but lighting desks, eek! My lampy's been trying to give me lessons on how to use his Pearl Expert, but it ain't sinking in......duh. I can physically sort the lighting fixtures out, but the magic that is the control desk is a bit trickier.

I nearly got caught out the other week when I was dropped in front of a Yamaha MC7L digital desk for the very first time, 2 hours before soundcheck. Talk about flying by the seat of my pants, luckily the House Engineer babysat and rescued me several times during the show.

Technology moves on so quickly these days, it's difficult to stay on top of things.

MrSworld, Golden Scan (Mk4) are up there with the best intelligent stuff, still considered really high end, but that being the case I don't come across many - they aren't cheap and if you don't have someone who knows them inside out, along with some good control, you won't get the benefit.

Too many cheap Chinese lumps of crap about, with bad motors and dodgy optics, people buy them for the price of a Golden Scan lamp, stick them on random chase, job done.

Mind you, when it comes to tours and temporary jobs, I still say that Martin are pretty unbeatable. Macs are cheap (compared to Vari-lites etc) and accessible, you can always lay your hands on some to fill out a hire job. Easy to service, simple and not back-breakingly heavy, you can really get good results quickly and easily, they travel well even when lugged about by knuckle-draggers (unlike Golden Scans!!!) The biggest pain is laying out for flight-cases when you pick up a load cheap! I shudder to think what I'd do if I had any early Golden Scans knocking about, I'm sure they would be worthless, whereas even Mac250s are prized by Diamond Dave the Double-Deck DJ and are well worth sticking on E-bay for beer tokens!

Sigh.... Behind the times nowadays to tell you the truth!It's been a long time since I programmed a Avo desk or any 'intelligent' lighting to be honest!

Still it's nice to see people who understand my previous post! ; -)


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