Keeping copies of certs

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Well-known member
Oct 13, 2009
Reaction score
Afternoon all.

When typing up certificates (EIC, PIR's etc) I currently print the original and hand it to the customer whilst keeping a copy on my computer and printing another copy and storing it in a folder.

I am aware that coies of certs must be kept but is there a requirement to have a "hard copy" as well as a copy on the PC??


Don't think so, just easier when the NIC man comes, and possibly more secure in case you lost all your PC data, but then I spose we should have it backed up in case of that.

I just keep my copy on the PC mate, but I back up on 2 pen drives every friday.

Just hope no CRASH on a Thursday night then LOL ROTFWLROTFWL
I know, but I try to do most of my paper work on a friday afternoon/evening anyway

Right...time for a bonfire. Bleedin certs burstin out of my cupboards! Cheers lads.

I lost a load of data on the computer - but now I've signed up to dropbox (check it out on Google) You can get 2G free storage and access from any computer. Files are held locally on your computer and if they are updated on a different computer the files are updated next time you connect. Brilliant and free!

just keep 2 digital copies your highly unlikely to loose 2 data storage at the same time.

I am sure you have to keep hard copies of all business stuff could be wrong though. You certainly have to have hard copies of your accounts which have to be kept for seven years.

I am sure you have to keep hard copies of all business stuff could be wrong though. You certainly have to have hard copies of your accounts which have to be kept for seven years.
Yep thats true about accounts. The missus is an accountant...thank god. But she knows nothing about keeping a hard copy of certs!

Yep thats true about accounts. The missus is an accountant...thank god. But she knows nothing about keeping a hard copy of certs!
Ask your part p provider mine wants me to get mine in better order as at the moment they are in a right mess. I am with British standards and do have to keep hard copies of everything.

I just keep my copy on the PC mate, but I back up on 2 pen drives every friday.
Sounds daft but why don't you save it to a pen stick at the same time as saving the original only takes a couple of seconds;)

Sounds daft but why don't you save it to a pen stick at the same time as saving the original only takes a couple of seconds;)
I don't know? I just find it easier saving my whole folder 'sellers electrical services' to 2 x pen each fri. At worst I'd have to phone between 1 and 5 customers to ask for their certs to copy back on to my pc. But usually I don'[t send certs till 2 weeks after job to allow elecsa cert to come through.

I lost a load of data on the computer - but now I've signed up to dropbox (check it out on Google) You can get 2G free storage and access from any computer. Files are held locally on your computer and if they are updated on a different computer the files are updated next time you connect. Brilliant and free!
I also have Dropbox. I use SyncToy to backup all my important documents etc. into my Dropbox folder daily at 10pm. As soon as SyncToy runs, Dropbox automatically uploads any new files created in the Dropbox folder to the website so I have 3 copies of everything.

Dropbox also lets you access any of your files via their website for when you're out and about.

how long do you need to keep certs for ???
Off the top of me head without double checking anything....

I think I vaguely recall a 3-year timescale for holding onto old certs...

Would have to go digging around some of me old filing stuff or t'interweb to try and verify! :(
