killing cats

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I heard someone had a pet snake in there garden and it ate the neighbours cat.

I hate snakes !

would never kill a cat or condone such behaviour. However, I did once put bacon rind on the back fence then sit on a deck chair waiting with a super soaker. Normally cats have very quick responses but not quick enough for a supersoaker!

Absolute scumbag that's all I can say. If I'd seen anything like this happen the person responsible would definitely receive a taste of their own medicine. Hope they keep the hate campaign up when she gets out after serving 6 weeks in the holiday camp. How anyone can take another life is beyond me. I don even kill spiders just chuck them outside the house if found inside. No need to kill something that's living. Can understand if your goin to eat it to survive but for sport is just wrong.

Can understand if your goin to eat it to survive but for sport is just wrong.
Matty, imagine you had to be a bird. You have two options:

1. A broiler chicken, living in a shed with many thousands of other chickens. You are free range, but some statistics claim 75% of free range chickens never go outside, even though they can. You are fed and watered automatically. Once you become so obese you can hardly walk men come, drag you into crates and onto a lorry. The lorry takes you to a slaughterhouse where you are hung up by your feet, electrocuted and your throat cut.

2. A pheasant, released into a pen to start with until you are strong enough to look after yourself. You'll maybe have access to some supplemental feed but you will forage in nature. You fly around, can perch in trees. You may be flushed over some guns at some point but you have a sporting chance. Somewhere around half the pheasants released are never shot [some are taken by predators, some hit by cars, but many live as wild birds].

Assuming you want to eat meat, what do you pick? I chose pheasant every time. Being shot is a damn sight better death than being boxed up and transported to a slaughterhouse, to be hung up and electrocuted.

You give it some thought. Birds shot for 'sport' are not wasted.

Yeah true mate I understand what your saying but that cat was some little kids pet. I'm a animal lover. Was a junior RSPCA member when I was a kid and have pets myself. But saying that I enjoy fishing which is a sport but would never kill the fish and always make sure they go back as good as they came out.

I'm going to close this thread. The forum doesn't condone any acts of animal cruelty.

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