Landing Light

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I really don't think it matters as long as is not 415 volts. I generally put a switch upstairs  to switch downstairs lights on for the additional cost of a bit of three core its a nice touch.

And what would be wrong with 400V if labeled accordingly?

Nothing as long as you don't mind a 415 volt label on the switch.

Must be a big house to have 3 phase in it also why are you going on about 400v labels this has been removed from the 17th edition.

Well if you are daft enough to switch a circuit off, not here the beeps every so often and not notice the green light not shining then perhaps you shouldn't be around as you don't have an ounce of common sense.  
Life does not work like that.

Most folk do have common sense, its just in the case of beeping, its an annoyance so they will "switch this little switch here off"  to stop the beeping.

But the way round it is to connect the smoke alarms to the lighting circuit then they have to think / wonder why is it beeping.

How many times have you seen a smoke detector hanging open with the battery removed, or just the base there where they took down the whole unit. Its human nature.

Life does not work like that.

Most folk do have common sense, its just in the case of beeping, its an annoyance so they will "switch this little switch here off"  to stop the beeping.

But the way round it is to connect the smoke alarms to the lighting circuit then they have to think / wonder why is it beeping.

How many times have you seen a smoke detector hanging open with the battery removed, or just the base there where they took down the whole unit. Its human nature.    

except for battery powered items..

Which are not connected to a supply anyway!!!!!!!

A dedicated circuit with a mains powered Smoke alarm surely wont start bleeping as it has power from the dedicated MCB....

So why would someone go and turn something off that is not bleeping???

And/Or why would a correctly designed circuit with just some smokes on trip automatically...

Very unlikely to loose power...

Whereas lighting circuits common trip when lamps blow...

or while Mr DIY is changing his light fittings / switches  and turns his light circuits off...

Lo he has also removed power from his smoke detectors for the duration of work... 

Quite often seen lighting circuits left off cus a decorative metal lamp fitting has shorted to the metal and customer cannot restore power..

so they use table lamps until professional help arrives...

The argument for smoke off lights circuits has just as many if not more probable DIY possibilities for disconnection of power than a dedicated circuit.. 

This is of course not even mentioning the need for most lighting circuits to be RCD protected as well..

And very common application of split load boards where trips off other shared MCB's take out the RCD supplying lights + smokes...

I prefer a dedicated Non-RCD smoke supply far more reliable and easier to maintain constant power.


im not sure who to reply to here,

a massive load of bollocks and misinformation abounds so it seems,

one that really stuck in my head,#


WTF do you care who comes after you and changes something?

you cannot work to an 'idiots that might follow you rulebook'

do you really leave a 25mm 3core SWA to the 6x4 garden shed that you werent asked to wire?

or 2 x 6mm T&E to the freestanding gas cooker?

a 16mm to the bath in case they install a hot tub?


I wasn't concerned if the way I install a lighting point on a landing and its 2w switching was correct or not as I've done it both ways but usually take feed from downstairs as this was the way I was taught . All I asked was which way others do it as mate who does mainly new builds which I don't said spec called for it. As for the smokes I'll carry on doing it as I have been as it complies and don't see any problem with it .

it DOESNT matter if it complies or not,

as long as you can justify the way you have done it,

why oh why do so many people think if it complies then its right ?  :shakehead

What's to justify far as I'm concerned the way I do it is correct not saying there are other ways though.

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how come?

the regs are only a guide, you do know that, dont you?

they are NOT a book to be followed at all costs, you MUST use your professional judgement to ensure everything complies with the relevant statutory law,

thats why we have professional indemnity insurance. for when it goes tits up.

Yeh I reealise bs 7671 is non statatory. I believe my proffesional judgement is sound in this case unless you can tell me other wise and it complies with the relevent statatory law.

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im merely an idiot on an internet forum,

it would be a judge in a court of law that would tell you its wrong.
Can you explain then in your opinion what exactly the judge would find wrong in the way I've stated i would do this perticular installation.?

im not sure who to reply to here,

a massive load of bollocks and misinformation abounds so it seems,

one that really stuck in my head,#


WTF do you care who comes after you and changes something?

you cannot work to an 'idiots that might follow you rulebook'

do you really leave a 25mm 3core SWA to the 6x4 garden shed that you werent asked to wire?

or 2 x 6mm T&E to the freestanding gas cooker?

a 16mm to the bath in case they install a hot tub?


I have replied quite a few times to this thread so not sure what you are getting at. Most of my private work comes from recommendation so I don't think I can be doing to much wrong if you get a bad reputation you go out of business. I still will always put smokes on there own circuit. 
Can you explain then in your opinion what exactly the judge would find wrong in the way I've stated i would do this perticular installation.?
see post #54


im not sure who to reply to here,

a massive load of bollocks and misinformation abounds so it seems,

one that really stuck in my head,#


WTF do you care who comes after you and changes something?

you cannot work to an 'idiots that might follow you rulebook'

do you really leave a 25mm 3core SWA to the 6x4 garden shed that you werent asked to wire?

or 2 x 6mm T&E to the freestanding gas cooker?

a 16mm to the bath in case they install a hot tub?


I have replied quite a few times to this thread so not sure what you are getting at. Most of my private work comes from recommendation so I don't think I can be doing to much wrong if you get a bad reputation you go out of business. I still will always put smokes on there own circuit. 

I wasnt having a go at you per se,

just the fact that, as Noz pointed out in post #2,

you cant allow for every numpty in the land coming after you,

its what you are happy doing,

me? I use a combination of different solutions depending on the situation and house layout.
I agree and like you I do what ever suits the situation I was only pointing out on a domestic that has three phase it would not be a good idea having three phase in a switch. I realise three phase is rare on domestic but it is there.


I like a idiots opinion on what a judge or indeed a fellow professional would find wrong in.the way i would do.this job


I like a idiots opinion on what a judge or indeed a fellow professional would find wrong in.the way i would do.this job
the fact you doubt yourself on something so simple.?

what would you do on something that wasnt in the onsite guide?

I agree and like you I do what ever suits the situation I was only pointing out on a domestic that has three phase it would not be a good idea having three phase in a switch. I realise three phase is rare on domestic but it is there.
i dont think 3ph on domestic is so rare as some think,

I quite often get 3ph domestic, perhaps one a month, usually because the original 'spark' is a little overcome when he finds out its is 3ph,

then the tenant calls me,

Im sure not always me, there are other sparks around that do 3 ph  :)
