Looking for work in and around Edinburgh area

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Well-known member
Dec 30, 2010
Reaction score
Hi there,

Im new to the forum, found it when googling for work.

Anyway, ive just recently passed my FICA and looking for work around the Edinburgh area as I got paid off on xmas eve. Willing to travel as i have a car and clean license.

Worked for a decent sized company, so done all kinds of installations.

If theres any sort of work out there drop me a PM or reply here.

p.s also got a friend from college looking for work if anyone is looking for a 2 man team?

Anyway Cheers

Cheers guys.

Not looking good is an understatement! I thought i would have been OK till the site i was on was completed (End of Jan/Start of Feb) but my contract ran out on the 24th so rather than pay me a sparks rate for a month or 2 then pay me off i was just told not to come back after the year.

Not looking good so far, as of monday i will be in the dole que.

Keep your chin up mate. Something will come along soon.

Just hope your jobcentre up there is better than ours down here. All trackies and hoods organising their drug deals lol

Haha it will probably be worse mate, might i remind you of trainspotting?!

Ive applied at a few companys so hope to hear back next week when everywhere will be back to normal after the xmas break. Also going to try and pull strings at British Gas where my brother in-law is pretty much in there with most bosses!


Good luck

As far as BG goes - they have some good sparks and some not so good.

They have a 35 week wonder who applied for a gas engineer job and they were offered a 35 week electrical apprenticeship

This person is renowned for their lack of understanding.

Heard stories about BG and I would thing twice about working for them


