Making my bench grinder run backwards

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oh thats clever :^O what about when the blade wears out :eek:

i think you must be winding us up pache ;)
Everything I've said is 100% correct.

Using CA glue on a thread is common practice. Stops the nut coming loose but can still be undone. 'threadlock' is a brand


I think that Apache is..

Old enough and Ugly enough to do his own risk assessments :p

WHAT !!! you can touch the wheel !!!! I can't listen any more ..How do you test for a live circuit Patch ? Oh don't tell me .... you stick your finger onto the live terminal..Right ???

Patch ... please download " Abrasive wheels Health and Safety" ASAP

Funnily enough, this is exactly how I test lighting circuits.

Always have done, always will do. :)

oh jesus :z
What? it's only electricity, theres not enough Amperage in a lighting circuit to kill me, unless I have a dodgy ticker or something similar.

I have been doing that since I was about 8 years old & have had no ill effects so far.

ABC. Now you REALLY are joking , 'arnt you ??
As shocking as it may seem, no not at all.

I had 11.000v AC through my whole body as a kid, I survived that alright.

Now sticking your fingers into a lampholder is not something that I would recomend to anyone, but it is just something that I do, have always done & will always do. I am sure that I am not the only that does this, anyone?

When i was an apprentice for the then london electricity board, we were sent out with all the different departments for a couple of weeks at a time to see what they did.When i was with the inspection dept there was an inspector who would lick his fingers and then touch live busbars etc and could tell what voltage was present by what he felt. If he didnt lick his fingers he couldnt feel anything.He must have had very dry skin or something.I wouldnt have believed it if i had not seen it with my own eyes.

you'll probably find out you do have a dodgy ticker one day...whats wrong with a proper tester?!
Batteries, :)

Seriously though, if it doesnt harm me why not?

ABC, I promise that if you are soundly connected to earth you will definatley die when grasping a 240 volt supply. Whether its lighting or not , you will know about it. There is an earlier post of mine describing me plugging a fluorescent fitting into some lighting track over a printing press. Because I didn't have my glasses on I did not know that the plastic cover was missing from the terminals in the special plug, so with my thumb on the live terminal, 4mtrs off the ground, I gripped the metal ,earthed track with right hand to stop it moving away from me and pushed the plug into its socket.

The current passed up my arm in excruciating waves, gripped my chest muscles, seemed to pass through my head in powerfull waves, down my other arm to my hand which was locked onto the trunking. I was blacking out and knew I had to do something so somehow kicked my feet off the steps and dropped to the ground in a shaking heap.

Do not play around with it ABC , whenever you become over confident it reaches out and bites you on the ass, gives you 1st degree burns, blinds you and causes your heart to defribulate at anything over 30 mA . I kid you not , M8. Stop doing it !!

Ouch, you were lucky by the sound of it.

I NEVER become complacent or over confident with electricity, this is just something that I do. :)

I am glad that you are around to tell that to us all on here, I would never condone or take part in horseplay when it comes to leccy & have got bitten quite a few times over the years, usually when something or me has slipped & come into contact with live parts, a bit like what happened in your case. :)

Lol, cundry leccy is a bit different :)

Nah, I was joking about the lampholder thing. :)

Did have 11.000 v AC through my body though, that was not fun. Burnt my hands, feet & chest. I was extremely lucky to survive that.

For anyone reading this I repeat..... I WOULD NEVER STICK MY FINGERS IN A LAMPHOLDER TO CHECK WETHER THE CIRUIT IS LIVE! It is a stupid thing to do & it would more than likely kill you.
