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I think you'll find that London is the LAST place to be Alessandro , the traffic is a nightmare .  People are unfriendly.

Go North young man ! 

Cost of living is cheaper . Houses are cheaper . People are friendlier

If I can make a living in the sparsely populated Highland, then I am sure you can make a living as an electrician anywhere.

I hate traffic congestion so personally I would avoid any big city.

Thank you Evans and ProDave, you convinced me. :)

Sure I could avoid big cities, but I can't live in a place that is too ethnically homogeneous and/or monocultural. My spirit would suffocate.

Have a look at this page:

"You would need around 2,859.18£ in Manchester to maintain the same standard of life that you can have with 4,600.00£ in London (assuming you rent in both cities). This calculation uses our Cost of Living Plus Rent Index to compare cost of living. This assumes net earnings (after income tax)."

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London is a huge place. The city is clearly extortionate but have you considered the suburbs?

Hello, I moved from Italy to London 4 years ago. I am about to complete level 3 and will complete NVQ within the year.

Since I moved here I've only visited Edinburgh, Bath and Brighton, so I have no idea what the North West looks like. I was reading about Manchester and my impression is that it is a great place to live, cosmopolitan, vibrant and more affordable (rents etc.).

But is it a good idea to move to Manchester for a recently qualified electrician with no connections? I was thinking next year, I would have at least one year of experience under my belt and maybe 2394 & 2395 Inspection and Testing. I can see there are tons of jobs in London, but what is the situation in Manchester? Would I get jobs through agencies as easily as I can in London? Also is driving an extenuating, horrible experience like it is in London?

Everyone is telling me that London is the place to be, but I'm starting to find it a little too stressful and especially insanely expensive..
Im not a fan or going North of Watford as its a bit cold. If you dont mind the cold and Whippets im sure its fantastic.

I love the south Coast, as mentioned the suberbs outside of London are very different and only a short journey to the smoke.

Ok, let's make it simple,

Manchester us a **** hole,

Just not as big a **** hole as London,

And as for being so, not so many **** holes live here, still a lot of ass holes tho,  

If the choice was mine,

I wouldn't live here, I'm married tho, so I am not allowed any form of opinion or the right to make any choices


Ok now I'm confused... I thought it was a decent place but you are telling me it's a ****hole. How did you form this opinion? If it wasn't for the ridiculous traffic congestion and the larcenous cost of putting a roof over my head, I wouldn't mind living in London. Manchester is cheaper and there is less traffic, but shares similar cultural and demographic traits to London, so I was thinking it would be nice.

Ok now I'm confused... I thought it was a decent place but you are telling me it's a ****hole. How did you form this opinion? If it wasn't for the ridiculous traffic congestion and the larcenous cost of putting a roof over my head, I wouldn't mind living in London. Manchester is cheaper and there is less traffic, but shares similar cultural and demographic traits to London, so I was thinking it would be nice.

I live there, well, on the edge, wouldn't ever EVER want to actually live in it,

But, I'm a country boy,  my wife is from Manchester, so I do as I am told, :|

It's not the worst place, Deffo a lot better than London, but not as good as you may think,

I've lived in worse places, but I've also lived in a lot better places, a LOT better,

If my wife would move we'd be gone tomorrow,! 

She has thought about it a few times, unfortunately circumstances just now don't allow it, and right now this is the best place for us as a family, but that's for personal reasons, absolutely nothing to do with a standard of life.

All I’ll say is I used to dread having to go in to Manchester but that’s where I did most business.

I lived in a Derbyshire village midway between Manchester, Sheffield and Derby all of which I had to go to on a regular basis, of the three Derby would be my choice. That all said, I ended up in Nottingham and really like the place.

There’s suburbs you could look at, I don’t have a great deal of experience of them.

At the end of the day it is the work prospects you have to look at. Put ethnic diversity and other niceties to one side and think about your needs.

Think prodave on here still has a house for sale way up north, you could buy that, think he is close to retirement as well 😀 And no no part p

sorry Dave, just trying to get your house sold.

Ok now I'm confused... I thought it was a decent place but you are telling me it's a ****hole. How did you form this opinion? If it wasn't for the ridiculous traffic congestion and the larcenous cost of putting a roof over my head, I wouldn't mind living in London. Manchester is cheaper and there is less traffic, but shares similar cultural and demographic traits to London, so I was thinking it would be nice.
have you looked at commuting into London, moving somewhere near one of the train lines. Essex or Kent for example

Bottom line mate,have a look around then make your mind up,forget this homogenous multicultural,beautiful people rubbish,it aint real,there are certain parts of Manchester that are not nice,and they aren't that far from the centre,I'm sure Steps will back me up on that.There are some places these days that you could get a good hiding for being foreign,forget the big  centres and look further afield,Manchester these days has swallowed up a large area,in much the same way as any other big city has.Buy a map of the area and study it,places like Leigh,Wigan,Astley are classed as Greater Manchester,not bad area's but not as hectic,The other problem with a lot of this cosmopolitan stuff is that when it comes to mingling with people in a lot of popular clubs etc the people who hang out there work in the financial or media sectors and don't particlarly like associating with people like us.It's a big country pal,have a good look around and then make up your mind.All the best to you.
