MEM products

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Domestic Electrician
Feb 18, 2008
Reaction score
which wholesalers sell this stuff

i need a 10amp light switch


Theory my wholesaler does swirtchgear but not the switches I think eddies are big suppliers of mem stuff try them.


Last thing you need when you are ill is to talk to a load of clowns.Batty

I hope you are feeling better.
I dont know any clowns, only happy bunnies, pink cows and overfed g-pigs:p and a badger who thinks hes a cat?? :D

We on the mend:x

Indeed, I get my MEM from Newey, my branch used to stock it but have to get it in from another branch now. Its eighter Crabtree or MEM accessories ive been using for the past 10-15 years, prefer MEM, very good quality.
