Motorbike Test!

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Well done on passing!

Was is it about Hondas? Tbh bikes scare the hell out of me. As a kid in the early 70's I have a vivid recollection of my big brother walking in through the back door covered in blood with a broken arm, He'd swerved on his then Honda to avoid an oncoming car on the wrong side of the road and gone off the side of the aptly named Death Hill near Brands Hatch!. Hitched / walked back home and got Dad to take him to hospital. Mind you he's a bit of a hard case put himself through Selection etc.

He left the bike where it lay and never went back (bought a Mini van). The funny thing is me, Mum and Dad etc were all relieved that he'd given up on the bikes but turning 60 the other year he confided in me that he fancies another bike!

Can you remember the crash at all?? Did it hurt?? I expect it did afterwards!!

Don't remember a thing John, all I know is we (me and the missus) went out to her sisters for a curry. I found myself in hospital 2 weeks later. Head injury caused amnesia (didnt remember proposing the night before the crash - and there was now a wedding being arranged ) I also had to do a whole year of BTEC again as the coursework meant nothing to me. Was in a lot of pain for a few weeks but made a miraculous recovery. Was on critical list for a week having had 3 feet of intestine and colon removed and had 11 pints of blood. They did say there would be need for more surgery, complications, difficulty eating etc but I have never been back in hospital since (except an eye op last year).

Onoff, you never lose the desire to ride. I too have always wanted to get back on a bike.

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