Multiple Choice Exams

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Mar 7, 2009
Reaction score
Hello all,

Im due to take my c&g 2330 201 exam soon.

Could anyone tell me what score is required to pass the multi choice exams,

ie 95% or above, or does each exam vary ?


I know that it is 26+ correct answers (Out of 30) for a Distinction.

But I can't remember what the minimum is for a Pass or a Credit, Sorry.

60% to pass, if there are 2 subject areas you must achieve 60% on each.

Thats not as bad as i thought,

I was expecting the pass mark to be alot higher.

Just trying to make sure im totally prepared for the first exam.

Cheers lads.

60% to pass, if there are 2 subject areas you must achieve 60% on each.
The Don would welcome comments in general on pass marks (for any exams).

40% comes to mind, in the Don's younger days, is 60% the norm in these times?

The Godfather

I can not remember pass rates from when I did my exams, I remember I got two distinctions and 1 credit, I always thought a pass was 60% a credit was 70% or 75% and a distinction was over 87%.

I may be wrong its been a long time.

Hi Mate

Theres 3 sections i took mine a month ago its 60% mate if you need any info send me your email & i'll forward you some stuff ok.


The Don would welcome comments in general on pass marks (for any exams).40% comes to mind, in the Don's younger days, is 60% the norm in these times?

The Godfather

'professional' exams (ie the big ones at the end that give us the title, right to prescribe etc) for vets, doctors and dentists require a pass mark of 50%.

So if you need brain surgery the doctor only needed to know half of what they asked him :D

Now an issue they debated a lot when I was @ college was the pass mark for a MCQ. If there are 5 possible answers without knowing anything you could get 20%. So some argued that the pass on a MCQ should be 70% (50% to pass + 20% random), some wanted 60% (50% pass and half the 20% due to chance) some wanted negative marking (+1 if right, -1 if wrong and 0 if not answered - to stop guessing). It was decided to leave them at 50% so it was the same as all the other components.

Personally I think MCQ is a daft way of examining anything - it's popular because a computer can mark the papers = cheap!

Giving you the answer in front of you means you can answer things you wouldn't normally be able to. A much more robust method IMO would be essays, oral and practical exams.

I loved MCQ's (hard to fail) but don't think a pass meant much. :|

Thanks for that Patch, I remember having to do written exams when I was a lad and they counted for most of the marks.

I do think the pass rates for MCQ's are often misleading and open to guess work.

I did an online mock test last week sometime and scored 87% without a calculator and notebook they suggested I would need.

I did most of the calcs in my head to find a likely figure (but not the exact figure) then choose the figure from the answers that came the nearest.

So by simple guess work I could pass most MCQ tests without knowing the answers in full.

Oh I did it in something like 11 minutes or there abouts and was given 40 minutes for the test.
