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Domestic Electrician
Feb 18, 2008
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I had a call yesterday from a guy wanting a part p certificate.

why do you need one i asked (fishing for some info)

i have just built a new house and i need the certificate for building control.

thats your electricians job,,,yes but i wired it he said.....

sorry mate i dont certify work i have not done,,,,

oh .........what do i do ????

phone round until you find a sparky who will :^O

love it !!!!!!!

I had a call yesterday from a guy wanting a part p certificate.why do you need one i asked (fishing for some info)

i have just built a new house and i need the certificate for building control.

thats your electricians job,,,yes but i wired it he said.....

sorry mate i dont certify work i have not done,,,,

oh .........what do i do ????

phone round until you find a sparky who will :^O

love it !!!!!!!
goodman, bet hes well p****D off

they usually get told that its illegal for me or anyone other than the building inspector to sign off someone else work, and its also illegal for them to have done the work without notifying LABC in advance, and LABC has the right to demand its removed. usually ends up with them worried its all going to have to be done again, but then thats their problem

In my area the electrician who starts the rewire is the person who finishes it or they ask questions.If they are not satisfied then they send in a local (((())))) with a sting in his tail and finds out why.

Stops all the you do it and I will sign for it brigade.

If he's just built a new house, then I would have thought he would have notified it. If he hasn't, part P will be the least of his worries.

There's simply NO WAY that the BI hasn't told him along the way that there will be a paperwork requirement at the end... so he's either blind/deaf/dumb or a combo, OR he got a site basher to do it... in which case it's probably ok'ish and there's an easy

There's simply NO WAY that the BI hasn't told him along the way that there will be a paperwork requirement at the end... so he's either blind/deaf/dumb or a combo, OR he got a site basher to do it... in which case it's probably ok'ish and there's an easy
missed the 'new build' part. If he has notified LABC for house, then it normally includes for them to check the electrics too under part p
Some BCO are still too illiterate to read the requirements set out for part p and try to put the onus on getting the installation tested onto the homeowners, in which case a PIR cert usually satisfys Mr BCO, however if contacted for this id be inclined to check everything with BCO first.

But in this situation is a PIR enough ??

surely an EIC is required on this new build,,,and because of that i didnt offer a PIR.....

As ive said before, it should not be down to LABC to I&T. Part P says all work must be done safely, and one way to prove that is by sticking to 7671. If person doing work doesnt I&T and issue certs, then they have not stuck to requirements of 7671 and so LABC can say the work doesnt comply.

Only person doing work can issure EIC. if they cant, then best alternative they can get is a PIR. If LABC accept a PIR, they should only sign off the electrical work if there are no codes for anything - even a code 3 or 4 should be a fail and need corrected before part p completion is issued

As ive said before, it should not be down to LABC to I&T. Part P says all work must be done safely, and one way to prove that is by sticking to 7671. If person doing work doesnt I&T and issue certs, then they have not stuck to requirements of 7671 and so LABC can say the work doesnt comply.But as it stands its their responsibility to T+I if the diyer notifies and pays the fee

Thats why we have part p

before i was with Elecsa i used to pay the fee (
To be fair part p was never about safety seeing as only the law abiding people follow it anyway so its pretty much just a tax on the people who do things above board as the cowboys still do as they please.

To be fair part p was never about safety seeing as only the law abiding people follow it anyway so its pretty much just a tax on the people who do things above board as the cowboys still do as they please.
sounds about right

i know its upto them. part P clearly states that, and it was also mentioned in an LABC circular that they have to I&T and cannot charge. but many do not want the hassle so will try and get round it. LABC fees start around
If the LABC come in and I&T the work, the sub contractor they use will only issue a PIR, which the LABC are happy to accept.

But there is nothing to say that they would be happy to accept a PIR from another 3rd party (from experience, if it is not their subbie, then they will insist on a EIC).


but who is policing diy part p ??? no one......and that is the problem...
problem mostly is people are not aware of part p (or even wiring regulations!)

There is loads of DIYers (like Apache) who do what they can to do the work safely, read up a bit on what there doing etc, and then are the others who just bodge it. part P isnt doing anything to stop either from DIY, but we all know who's house isnt gonna burn down/end up with someone dead

Even if part p completely banned anyone from DIY, other than registered sparks it still wouldnt work and would make 'unknown' work even worse than it currently is. get rid of part p and things would most likely be safer

As said in an earlier post you have also got registered sparks doing work not complying with current regs ie putting consumer units with a 30mA Rcd as main switch so whats the point of part p anyway.


As said in an earlier post you have also got registered sparks doing work not complying with current regs ie putting consumer units with a 30mA Rcd as main switch so whats the point of part p anyway.Batty
As mentioned in an earlier post... nice little earner for government

bit like speed camera's. we all know they dont help, but as long as it makes money, they will stay (until more councils follow Swindon)
