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Well I must say you are tiring me out with your waffling about VAT and warrantys. ; \
i wish i could tire myself out! 23.15 and still nowhere near tired, until i cant get up in the morning and want another hour!

Anyone got anything boring to read? maybe 7671 would be a help....

My point really was if it's installed properly in the first place it doesn't guarentee the customer anything!If ELECSA are confident in their members ability there won't be a claim!
Its a government thing to protect the customer you have to give them a warranty or a chance to purchase one. You would have to be a pretty sh..y spark to have a wiring system fail.


Its a government thing to protect the customer you have to give them a warranty or a chance to purchase one. You would have to be a pretty sh..y spark to have a wiring system fail.Batty
you mean like DIYers? oh wait, never mind

problem mostly is people are not aware of part p (or even wiring regulations!)There is loads of DIYers (like Apache) who do what they can to do the work safely, read up a bit on what there doing etc, and then are the others who just bodge it (like that badger) . part P isnt doing anything to stop either from DIY, but we all know who's house isnt gonna burn down/end up with someone dead

Even if part p completely banned anyone from DIY, other than registered sparks it still wouldnt work and would make 'unknown' work even worse than it currently is. get rid of part p and things would most likely be safer
:eek: :O:O i cant believe you said that :^O :^O:^O:^O:^O
