Need Help Identifying/wire A Transformer!

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Nov 11, 2015
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I just noticed that i can't post pictures without 10 posts.. How can i post/show the images? Thanks!

Thank you very much Admin for upgrading my account!

I got this transformer from a working power supply so i know that it is working. I have never seen one with only two wires tho. Usually there are 4 of them or more. Two for AC in and two for AC out

Here is some pictures of the transformer:





Does anyone have some clues how i can plug this in and test it? If it's possible at all hehe.


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Oh. what is a choke? Bit of a noob here haha. I just want to convert 230v AC to a lower and safer value to work with.


Oh. what is a choke? Bit of a noob here haha. I just want to convert 230v AC to a lower and safer value to work with.
Buy a power supply where you don't need to mess about with mains voltages, building your own safe power supply is not a cheap and simple job without any experience.

Thanks for all the answers! So i found this ballast in my basement for a 400W HPS growing light. I took it apart and found that it has a BIG transformer. At least i think it's a transformer haha, same as before. do you have any idea where AC in/out goes?

I would guess that AC in goes on the pins to left and AC out to the left. But it doesn't hurt to ask :)




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Update: I checked continuity with a multimeter. And every single pin makes the multimeter "beep". Every combination :S

It even says on the top what it is and shows you how to wire it up. If you are incapable of using some common sense and can't be bothered to do basic research and ignore any advice you have already been given then best to stop asking questions here.

Connect up whatever you want however you want, whatever it is you build it will be a deathtrap as you clearly do not know the first thing about electrical safety. Electricity is not something you should be playing with.

Trying to build a a power supply that can supply around 20 amps @14 volt.

And i have everything except a transformer and i can't afford one atm. So I'm looking for one :)
Hi, sorry to say this, but that is not how it works. You need to buy the correct transformer, you can't "just pinch one from something you found"

No one wants to find out you have been electrocuted or severely burnt, but if you keep going the way you are going that is what will happen.

Having a poor understanding of electricity (as you have) often does lead to death simply because you thought "oh well it works, so it must be ok "

I am not saying give up, I am saying put it on hold, and learn more about electricity.

I will never forget something  I read on a forum.

Remember, electricity has no prejudices, it kills any one.

Thanks for all the answers! So i found this ballast in my basement for a 400W HPS growing light. I took it apart and found that it has a BIG transformer. At least i think it's a transformer haha, same as before. do you have any idea where AC in/out goes?

I would guess that AC in goes on the pins to left and AC out to the left. But it doesn't hurt to ask :)

That is neither a transformer, nor is it big. A big transformer that is safe for your use would be one of these;

Interesting concept AC in to the left and AC out to the left. wire it like that then you can send some pictures to our Black Museum section;

Doc H.
