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Try one if not try the other. :pray

Seriously. Since none of us (me) are not there, and there for do not know how your system has been wired / configured the only option you have (Apart from taking the devices apart and having a look) is as I said to try each option to find which works best.

Do you have a EOL global tamper setup. Each detector has 2 wires for the alarm pair to the zone, and two wires to the tamper switch which are brought back to the panel, linked in series and connected to global tamper terminals, no resistors are fitted in the devices. This is option 0

Or do you have a single pair to each device which does tamper and alarm, resistors are fitted in each device (bear in mind that they may be on board and switched in with DIP switches as opposed to physically fitted in the terminals) this is option 1.

It is highly likely that all the zones will be the same option, however its not beyond belief that someone in the past could have ended up with a mix and match for some daft reason!

Note that powered devices will also have a power pair and this is in addition to what is described above

What Phoenix says is true,  (No offence intended to the OP) but my money is on the side of you do not understand what Phoenix is saying, which is why I suggested you try one then the other.

There is also the possibility that the devices you have, have in built resistors, so you could look at a device and not see any resistors, and assume it has none, when in fact it does. Which is where a multi meter comes in handy. It could also be that the installer has left out the tampers, giving the impression that it is EOL

Try . whilst in engineer mode

199 tick

It should show you the zone and its status. 2k2/6k8 or so many ohms for each zone.

IIRC option 21 is the zone config option.

Haven't don't scannys for a few years
