Nightmare CU change

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Seaman stains™
Supporting Member
May 28, 2008
Reaction score
North Wales Riviera
Started a CU change - from a Wylex Std to a 2+5+5 twin RCD jobbie..


during my testing I have found

IR fault on garage circuit

Socket ring final not actually a ring

One of the "now" socket radials has an IR fault (just happens to supply the kitchen)

Reverse polarity socket in the kitchen

Light switch for outside light loose terminal (not working)

Light fittings in conservatory not working (due to SES GE lamps not making contact with contacts)

Luckily clients are OK about it, might not be though when they get the bill ;)


at least the customers ok though mate

IR fault on garage circuit

Socket ring final not actually a ring

One of the "now" socket radials has an IR fault (just happens to supply the kitchen)

Reverse polarity socket in the kitchen

Its not unusual to have a broken ring and at least one circuit missing CPC's on a board change I have found.

What I did in RED;)

Started a CU change - from a Wylex Std to a 2+5+5 twin RCD jobbie..(TNS BTW)

during my testing I have found

IR fault on garage circuitAs it was the sub main was ok, so as a temporary fix I disconnected the garage final circuits and fitted a double socket to the end of the submain (16A MCB) going back to rewire garage properly in a month or two!

Socket ring final not actually a ringSplit into 2 x 16A radials

One of the "now" socket radials has an IR fault (just happens to supply the kitchen)Found out which cable was causing IR fault - it would have been a pig to replace following the existing route so I managed to stick some singles in some existing conduit running around the outside of the house and branched off with a TEE into the back of the first socket in the kitchen... not a nice job in the rain:(

Reverse polarity socket in the kitchenEasyfix, open up and swap cables around!

Light switch for outside light loose terminal (not working)Replace switch

Light fittings in conservatory not working (due to SES GE lamps not making contact with contacts)Bend the terminals in the fitting

Luckily clients are OK about it, might not be though when they get the bill ;)
Had one last week ,again due to me not testing the old installation , changed board to cater for new extension , N-E fault on old ring . 2 hours to replace board, 5 hours to find faulty cable. Disconnected it ,ring became two 25A radials .

I fall for it every time.

How much was the quote originally and how much is the final bill roughly if you don't mind me asking noz?
I'll tell you what... Here's what was priced

New 2+5+5 CU inc. tails, main earth & bonding to gas & water (water under stairs as can't access stop tap behind kitchen units - gas adjacent to water and cable taken outside and then back in)

Investigate & c/o repairs to outside light

Investigate & c/o repairs to conservatory lights

Replace 3 x spots with GU10 tilt (80mm hole)

and this was the extras..

Split "ring" cct to 2 radials

IR fault & repair on kitchen radial (as above)

IR fault & temporary repair on garage radial (as above)

Reverse polarity socket

The price only went up by

This is why I always test before I change the unit first. I explain this to the customer and put it in writing. The testing has to be done one way or another before or after. I tell them there may be earth/neutral faults within the circuits and this will cause the RCD's to constantly trip. I still give them a price, but on the agreement that if I find any nasties during testing, I'm in a position to then tell them how much extra it will cost. If they don't want to pay me for the extra, I put everything back as I found it and they pay me for my time spent. So far no one has ever not had the extra work carried out and they're very happy that I explain all this before hand. I've never been caught out on fuse board changes adopting this approach ;)

TBH I've done it both ways and I've never had a problem, however if I do it "on the fly" then I do advise the client that any faults will be extra or will have to be disconnected.

Only had one person have any problem with this and it was with a distress change that I was pricing... he liked my price, but not the fact that any faults would be extra!.... I can understand this, but do people expect us to fix faults that we come across for nothing!

Had one last week ,again due to me not testing the old installation , changed board to cater for new extension , N-E fault on old ring . 2 hours to replace board, 5 hours to find faulty cable. Disconnected it ,ring became two 25A radials . I fall for it every time.
would that be two 20A radials Evvo ?

Would the 2.5 mm cater for 25A ?,, suppose it would if it was clipped direct ....not checked the tables .
