Not mentioning football

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Evans Electric

Supporting Member
Sep 15, 2008
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Knowing  that football is not the most popular  subject  on here  I thought it best  to avoid mentioning that Aston Villa have just gained promotion back to the Premiership  after winning the play-off at Wembley  .    

So best to say nothing ....don't mention that the manager used to sweep the terraces as a local lad  when his Dad was a steward there ....Dad has dementia now and doesn't know that his son is the manager.   The captain, also local ,  was signed by Villa , aged 6 .    When you grow up a couple of streets away from the ground it never quite leaves you .  

So I'm saying nothing .  

Big white arrow  shows Deke growing up ,  think Coronation Street  meets Eastenders  but with Brummie accents .  

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Football, right.

get a large bucket and fill almost to the brim with Luke warm water

roll sleeve up on your right arm

put right elbow into water for no more than 10 seconds

remove elbow

take note of the size  of hole left in the water after removal of elbow

the size of the hole is exactly the same as my interest in football!

just saying 

I was aware of that Kerch  hence my decision not to mention anything .   ;) :Salute

I think Andy has even less interest than yourself  !! 

If I remember correctly there is at least one more soccer fan on here  , forgotten who it is now ,  supports West Ham  .  

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Yes that occurs a lot these days , I hate that too .  Strangely it virtually never happens in women's football . 
Women's Hockey.......Olympics. Daughters mate gets hit in the face, goes off. Smashed up face, plastic face shield, back on for next match. Rugby player , neck injury, carries on then finds out it's broken. Footballer needs therapy when his laces come undone!

Knowing  that football is not the most popular  subject  on here  I thought it best  to avoid mentioning that Aston Villa have just gained promotion back to the Premiership  after winning the play-off at Wembley  .    

So best to say nothing ....don't mention that the manager used to sweep the terraces as a local lad  when his Dad was a steward there ....Dad has dementia now and doesn't know that his son is the manager.   The captain, also local ,  was signed by Villa , aged 6 .    When you grow up a couple of streets away from the ground it never quite leaves you .  

So I'm saying nothing .  

Big white arrow  shows Deke growing up ,  think Coronation Street  meets Eastenders  but with Brummie accents .  

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I would wager that the item on the map "Tesco Superstore" was not there when the young Deke was growing up? And I would not claim to be a follower of football, but I do know that Aston Villa is a club that has some significant famous supporters/followers. I remember seeing an interview with Tom Hanks stating he liked the name 'Aston Villa' so it was the only English football club he 'followed/knew about'. And a documentary about Nigel Kennedy whilst he was touring Australia, he would do everything possible to keep up-to-date with any matches and scores, and he had an Aston Villa scarf hanging from his violin whilst performing his concerts. And there is Royalty, one of the 'Princes' is it William or Harry? is an Aston Villa supporter if I recall? But then, if our very own Deke of forum Tech-Support is an Aston Villa football fan, then is it any wonder that these celebrities and Royalty also show some interest?

Doc H.

But then, if our very own Deke of forum Tech-Support is an Aston Villa football fan, then is it any wonder that these celebrities and Royalty also show some interest?
Well yes ....there are a few lesser mortals amongst the supporters.

I would wager that the item on the map "Tesco Superstore" was not there when the young Deke was growing up?
No  Doc , you're right ,  it was a railway goods yard . 

Looking at the Google shot theres a bit of history  now  gone .

Site  A   is the Tufnol factory  .  Just further left, offscreen was the Bill Switchgear factory .

Site B was our local chippie.

Site C   (Red) was a huge brass & ammunition factory (Kynoch)   My Mom told me the Germans flew over every night to bomb it . 

Site D    (Yell)   General Electric Company (GEC)  Large transformers, generators , motors etc. 

Site  E    ( Blu)  Started apprenticeship there , drop forge , presswork , cold extrusion .  Automotive parts . 

The place called Aston Hall is a  large Jacobean house , being Royalists , it was attacked by Parliamentary forces during the civil war .  

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Never had anything to do with football, or much else. I live in Newport in south wales. Always liked Birmingham though. I used to go to a factory in Tame road, a packaging place it was, "Gosling" something or other. I would go for a walk round the back. There was what i thought was a canal, but it was the river Tame. One day i was there very early in the morning. All of a sudden you could here this tremendous racket.. It was the racket the muslims let out, the wailing prayer stuff.. I set off to investigate..

Was not very far away, a neighbouring street.. There was a house, a terraced, but bay fronted one i think it was. The upstairs windows were open and there were a pair of "railway station" type Tannoy speakers poking out from whence the wailing emanated.. Very normal..

On the way back, there this chap wandering along dressed as a goatherd. Some distance behind was a small boy, about 6 years old i suppose, similarly attired.. The boy came up to me and gave me his house keys. I said, "no, you must keep these, they are you house keys" and i gave them back. The boy was most insistent that i have the keys, but when i did not take them he threw them at me!

I picked them up and caught up with goat herder senior and attempted to explain and gave him the keys back. The man did not say anything, but seemed quite baffled as to what was going on.. I was going to say that it seems the area has gone downhill, but at least the locals seemed peaceable..There are certain ethnic groups that i would not even want to walk down "their" streets, but the goatherders seem ok..

What has happened to our country..


Knowing  that football is not the most popular  subject  on here  I thought it best  to avoid mentioning that Aston Villa have just gained promotion back to the Premiership  after winning the play-off at Wembley  .    

So best to say nothing ....don't mention that the manager used to sweep the terraces as a local lad  when his Dad was a steward there ....Dad has dementia now and doesn't know that his son is the manager.   The captain, also local ,  was signed by Villa , aged 6 .    When you grow up a couple of streets away from the ground it never quite leaves you .  

So I'm saying nothing .  

Big white arrow  shows Deke growing up ,  think Coronation Street  meets Eastenders  but with Brummie accents .  

And I won't mention the fact that I was there yesterday and what a great day it was ! (I was also there last year - not so great..)

Up The Villa !

OMG !!   A Villan ...on the Forum  ....   must be Pongo Waring . :C       I mentioned football once but I think I got away with it  ( Copyright Basil Fawlty)   

I used to go to a factory in Tame road, a packaging place it was, "Gosling" something or other. I would go for a walk round the back. There was what i thought was a canal, but it was the river Tame. One day i was there very early in the morning. All of a sudden you could here this tremendous racket.. It was the racket the muslims let out, the wailing prayer stuff.. I set off to investigate..
Place I started work at was at the top of Tame Rd .       As you say  , thousands of Muzzies there now .   Its a dump .  Say no more or people will  think I don';t like them . 

Looking at maps and stuff it seems like loads has changed over the years there.. Bit like here in newport. Anyone know Pill??

Anyway, years ago it was all terraced houses, bit like where you lived. Was a community though, was not posh by any means, but a community all the same.

The council decided to demolish most of it. The locals were against it, but they used compulsory purchase orders and/or they condemned houses saying they had "subsidence" and had to come down. i know someone that got their own surveyor and beat them, funny how the house is still there now..

Anyway, as for the rest, they demolished that much, that the japanese came here and made a film about the atom bomb... They replaced it all with poxy modern flats and what have you, and filled it all with people of a darker hue than us, people not native to these shores, semi civilised.. You can guess what it is like now..

Cardiff is only about 12 miles from where i am here typing this; It is home to the "largest Somali community outside of Somalia" .. As the place is filled with somalians, i use the term "community" loosely.. Look at the state of Somalia.. WTGrape are the government thinking..

I googled "GEC witton" and found lovely photographs of round your way.. What has happened to our country.. I tried to post the photos here but they were too large..


What has happened to our country..

You guess is as good as mine  John .....  50 years of subsequent governments allowing uncontrolled immigration  didn't help much  though .   The England I was born in has  been invaded without a shot fired .         I grew up with folk who had come through World War 2  , our  Dads landed on the Normandy beaches , protected Atlantic convoys  , flew in bombers over Germany  and fighters over Britain , fought Rommel  in the desert , the Japanese in Burma , in the Pacific  , at home families bombed out .

      My Dad's navy medals show the places ,  The Atlantic Star / Pacific Star / Africa Star / Burma Star / Italy Star .

Many in Britain now don't know  what happened & don't care ,  our Dads fought for something, a way of life  that has gone , blown on the wind  , leaving a benefit culture that attracts one & all from all corners to take advantage.    

The council decided to demolish most of it. The locals were against it, but they used compulsory purchase orders and/or they condemned houses saying they had "subsidence" and had to come down. i know someone that got their own surveyor and beat them, funny how the house is still there now..
Councils will say anything , they just trot out lies to pacify the people .       We used to do a lot of work in the B,ham General Hospital   ...then around  25 yrs ago  they announced it was ..   Quote:"  Falling down about our ears"    I thought at the time , no way , the basement walls for a start were 2 feet thick  , Victorian brickwork . 

Then a change of plan ,  its still standing , not falling down ,  no problem , is now the Princess Diana Children's Hospital !!!!! 

It is home to the "largest Somali community outside of Somalia" .
Load of those in Brum  , they're always murdering each other . 

I googled "GEC witton" and found lovely photographs of round your way.. What has happened to our country.. I tried to post the photos here but they were too large..
Massive employers , one of many , now all gone , where does everyone work these days.? 



"Grew up with folk who had come through World War 2  , our  Dads landed on the Normandy beaches ,"

my mate has rebuilt ( from the rust on the floor upwards ) a 1943 Willys GMW Jeep ( think M.A.S.H. )

tomorrow he will, along with others (and meeting up with others along the way) set off for Normandy for the D Day anniversary. It will be a long journey at 45 mph!

he did it 2 years ago and I have a pic of him on Gold Beach somewhere

his jeep saw service in Normandy. He is part of a group,committed to keeping old military vehicles running. I think they had a life of about 9 weeks and not the 76 years that his has amassed

Thats great  Kerch  .  

I saw a programme this week showing  that  the  US Gov .  commissioned  the jeeps  , some  made on licence by Ford  . 

The 4 wheel drive spawned the first Land Rover Defender & that concept was copied by the big makers all over . 

His is a Ford

Henry Ford patented most parts and put the Ford F on them

fun fact

Willys Jeeps had a 9 slat front grille ....apart from SAS variants which were modified to 3/4

modern Jeeps only have a 7 slat grille!


because somebody patented 9 slats!!

i helped fit the engine and put the tub back on along with some of the wiring.

amazingly all,parts are still available....mainly aftermarket which are made in the Philippines 

I quite fancy a SAS variant but they are rarer than a honest politician
