Is it only me who thinks we should just basically ignore today’s politicians and all that they speak?
Poverty exists in every country in the world, yet there are many different economies and political systems throughout the world? So who creates poverty? In our country and those that are supposed to be developed nations then poverty should not exist but it does, why? Some people are in poverty purely through their own wrong choices, perhaps if people were to take a closer look at their own choices then they could quite easily not lead a life of poverty?
Some people use the government as an excuse for their poverty— they don’t get given enough to live any other way — really then look at the choices and part you’ve played in your poverty life?
All of us are born equal and whilst it’s true that some have a tougher start in life, it doesn’t mean they have to continue living that life, they can take responsibility for their life and change the path it is taking.
It amazes me at the way people think, just because someone says it’s going to be bad doesn’t mean it’s true yet the moment the words ‘economic disaster’, ‘financial crash’ and the like are spoken there’s a sudden fear that goes through the country, people start to behave differently, they worry about their finances, whether they’ll still have a job, etc and this is all before the ‘something’ has actually happened?? Well if people have that much faith (a belief in something that they can’t see or hasn’t happened) then perhaps they should use it for a more positive outcome?
perhaps they should focus their faith by saying ‘I may not be in the place that I want to be but at least I’m working towards it’ great journeys always start with the smallest of steps.
Sadly we focus too much on what someone else is saying or doing and don’t focus on what we are saying or doing and the reality is that someone more often than not is not going to do anything for you.